I love Jagermeister, Rum, Whiskey, etc. I like to party and hang with friends when I get the chance. I like to sing karaoke,drink and dance.When I can't get out I like to just watch movies, read a good book, spend time with my niece, or try to catch up on some of the sleep that I can never get.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
I'd like to meet:
I would love to meet someone I actually want to be with and not just because they want me, or I feel compelled to compete or because I get bored. I guess I really just want to meet someone who is worth it all. And I am always up for meeting new friends as well as old ones I haven't kept in touch with as well as I wish I had./
I listen to almost every kind of music available, it really just depends on what mood I am in at any given moment. I also like songs that I can sing, and like to sing karaoke as much as possible.I spend a lot of time listening to 102.1 The Edge, especially Lex and Terry in the morning since I am already up and usually at work at 5 am when the show starts and can listen on my way to school.
First off I am just a movie fan, I was raised that way. I'll watch almost anything once, but I really like horror and suspense movies the most. My favorites include: "Queen of the Damned", "Ghost Ship", " The Perfect Storm", " The Stand", "Fallen", and others that I really can't think of at the moment. I like anything that I can watch over and over again without getting tired of them.
No time for TV anymore. I go to school, work and try to steal an hour or two of sleep if I am lucky. Guess I will have to get it all on DVD later or just write it off as just another thing I missed in my life without remebering it was gone.
I really just like to read...but my favorites usually involve the supernatural and suspense.
I don't think that I really have any heroes that I look up to, because I honestly don't trust many people and I don't think that you should put anyone on a pedestal because we are all destined to fall at some points in our lives.