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I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor . PACIFIC UNDERGROUND (PU) BACKGROUND
Pacific Underground- a music and performing arts group based in Christchurch, New Zealand performs live music, stages theatre productions , performs in festivals around the Pacific and hosts the annual Pacific Arts Festival of Christchurch. PU's latest projects are music shows Drum 5, PU Soul Me and Island Summer; and newest theatre play ANGELS.
If you're in Wellington's Te Papa (National Museum), check out the 5min video of Pacific Underground at the Tangata O Le Moana Exhibition on the 4th Floor, and you'll also be able to find a photo display of our annual Pacific Arts Festival.
ANGELS a new Samoan comedy play written by Tanya Muagututi'a and Joy Vaele.
Presented by Pacific Underground in collaboration with The Court Theatre, ANGELS is also part of the Christchurch Arts Festival.
THE FORGE / 22 July - 15 August
Mon, Thu 6:30pm
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 8:00pm
Directed by Robert Gilbert
Special group rate of $12 for 10 people or more.
Angels is part of the 2009 Christchurch Arts Festival.
For ticket information at The Forge or to book, phone the Box Office on 963-0870 or
book online .
'Angels' cast - Ave Sua, Bronwyn Turei, Monique Togiaso, Cassie Baker, and Josephine Mavaega
'Angels cast' - Bronwyn Turei, Ave Sua, Cassie Baker, Sela Leavasa and Joy Vaele,
This year PU was emerged in Maori culture for the Matariki Celebrations held at the Nga Hau E Wha National Marae in Aranui.
Tanya Muagututi'a, Joy Vaele and Ave Sua devised a new play called 'Rangi and Mau's Amazing Race'.
The new show featured new actors: Flo Lafai, Michael Vaele and Alvin So'oalo-Vaele.
Michael and Alvin got sick on the second week and were replaced by the ol' school masters of the
PU School Tour team - Joy Vaele and Ave Sua. The two week season was an awesome opportunity for PU
to work with the Maori community, Te Runanga O Nga Maata Waka and at an awesome venue like the Marae.
"PU SOUL ME" led by Pos Mavaega, Tanya Muagututi'a and Chris Searle. A show with original music of PU and some other excellent NZ songs of soul...NZ Music Month Lunchtime gig in the Square 29 May, and at the Christchurch Arts Festival 26 July, in the Festival Club , Cathedral Square.
"DRUM 5" - Christchurch Fringe Festival - watch this space of where you'll see this amazing drumming experience with PU resident drummer and teacher Chris Searle and his flash drummer mates Arona Vaele ( LA Mitchell / Tribalincs) and Jason (JJ) Otene (Funkdefyed / D'sendantz).