Matt likes his dog Nelly, Godzilla, drums, Gino likes art history, horror movies, guitar, comic books, Joe likes guitar, songwriting, and Rachel, who is the odd man out, enjoying British humor and sci-fi and bass guitar.
People who click here (link opens in new window) and play our music on purevolme over and over and over and over and over. Every song. Joe says "Play it in the background of your everyday life...when making spaghetti." THANKS....I'd like to meet people who think this is funny...
Jawbreaker, Hum, Jets to Brazil, Guns and Roses, Supersuckers, Old 97's, Sundae Crush, Tragically Hip, Franz Ferdinand, Pegasus Unicorn, The Killers, My Chemical Romance, more I can't think of.
Hellboy, Godzilla (all the originals), Unsolved Mysteries "Ghost Stories" box set, Cool Hand Luke, Ghostworld, Goonies, Karate Kid, Jacob's Ladder, My Bloody Valentine, Napoleon Dynamite, Spiderman 2, Drop Dead Gorgeous, The Hulk, Driven, Ghostbusters 1&2
Monday Night Raw... The Apprentice ... that's all.
Cool hand Luke- Lullaby-Americain gods-The Beach-The Fountainhead-Catcher in the rye- Comics
You can't tell a hero by his size... Rest in Peace little Zorro