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About Me

I AM the wild child, the blacksheep, the gypsy... I love fun, travel, and adventure of all kinds. I like to eat tasty food, drink good tequila and light beer, and smoke sweet, kind buds. I'm brutally honest and a ball-breaker extraordinaire...my friends call me the "nut-cracker sweet". I have a great sense of humor ranging from sarcastic to silly, and I use it all the time...I LOVE to laugh out loud. I love my family and friends to no end and would do anything in my power to help them in any way...they love me, too. I'm an only child so, my friends are like my siblings but, they are spread out all over the place, so...I need to make some awesome local friends!! Get in touch!JUICY PEOPLE Hildegard of Bengen, 12th century mystic, counseled her directees to be "juicy people", folks who are so filled with wonder and curiosity, with lusty appetites and high spirits, that they embrace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with a burly, grinning bear hug. To be juicy is to be: a fearlessly joyous optimist, a troublemaker tirelessly afflicting the comfortable, a passionate lover of good talk and tasty food, an anonymous prophet hovering over the cosmological riddle, a frequent violator of the ordinance against indecent exposure of the heart, and a guerilla in the insurrection against dream molesters everywhere.Thank you, Hellabell...I LOVE this quote!LAYOUT...............
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My Interests

FUN! Travel, music, dancing, the beach (ESPECIALLY the beach!), the desert, hiking, diving, cooking, etc. I'm up for just about anything so long as it's fun and doesn't get me killed or worse, land me in jail.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet some really fun and interesting people. People who like to have a few laughs, raise a little hell, and cause a little trouble (the good kind, of course). I can't stand ridiculous drama, liars, cruelty, litterbugs, and those who don't like animals. I appreciate those who do what they say and say what they mean...like me.Map Thing............


Rock and roll, funk, disco, alternative, some country, house, trance, and so on...I don't even know what to call some of the music I like!


Comedies, dramas, scary (not gory), some action films. I like movies that make you think and feel.


It's always on but, I don't watch it much...a few sitcoms, anything on A&E, Discovery, or CourtTV.


Love the dictionary, the encyclopedia, and some non-fiction. I am totally addicted to crossword puzzles and sudoku!!


My dear sweet Granny Moon...the greatest woman who ever lived. She taught me some of the most important things in life, I miss her every single day.

My Blog

the human condition

people never cease to amaze me.  how much it must suck to be so fucking bitter for no apparent reason...much.  i mean, i'm not bending over backwards to accommodate the general public bu...
Posted by T on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 12:03:00 PST

popping the blog cherry

Hello People, This is my very first "blog" so, bear with me!!  My little cousin has been nagging me to get this thing together for months...here it is Mark, thanks for all the "encouragement"!&n...
Posted by T on Mon, 29 May 2006 07:11:00 PST