Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Cliff Burton,Albert Hoffman,Simon Posford,Albert Einstein,Terence McKenna,Bill Laswell,Dario Argento,Stanley Kubrick,Ron Jeremy,John DeBello and the guy who wrote the song "Puberty Love"...What alcohol are you?
Jack Daniels
dbassindustrialtripspyfuckinmetal and many many is infinite so keep your ears and mind open to whatever makes you tick!!!!!!Immortal - Blashyrkh
Death- The Philosopher
Bathory: One Rode To Asa Bay
Death Angel-Voracious Souls(BayArea 80's Thrash)
Deicide - Homage To Satan
Crowbar - Planets Collide
Mostly everything from Dario Argento,Tim Burton,Stanley Kubrick,David Lynch,Sam Raimi,George A. Romero,Terry Gilliam,John Waters,Gus Van Sant,Peter Jackson,Jim Jarmusch,Russ Meyer,Ed Wood,Coen Brothers and pretty much all of the B C and Z movies.And loads of porn...
Can be the best sleeping pill
Choosing Death (The Improbable History of Death Metal and Grindcore)-Albert Mudrian
whoever lives on planet earth and still manages to have a good sense of humor.Beavis and Butthead- Vaya Con Cornholio