confused by so much.
dances in the mirror when no one is watching.
listens to britney spears and busted.
so much happening in 1 year - am i dong the right thing?
happiest when being hugged
amazing at snooker
better at heading a football
hates cerial.
loves milk.
rubbish at lieing
amazing at biolagy!
older - paramedic
younger - dreamed
now - a very special person
love - Descartes and the joy he brings each friday!
Spucknick sweet heart.
And it came to me then that we were wonderful traveling companions but in the end we were no more that lumps of metal. On their own separate orbits.
From far off they look like beautiful shooting start. When the orbits of these two satellites of ours, happen to grasp pass we could be together. Maybe we could open our hearts to each other. But that was only for the first instant. For the next instant we would be in absolute solitude before we became nothing/.