Party Army Captain profile picture

Party Army Captain

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Nobody reads this part.
Instead, we'll tell the story of my first blackout ever. My FIRST blackout was my greatest. I lost the best 6 hours of my life ever to a triple shot of Liquid Cocaine.
I do not recommend this shot. Barcardi 151, Jagermeister, and Rumplemintz. The taste is akin to moose balls which have been marinated in jet fuel, then topped with an Altoid.
My last memory was staggering out of that first bar in downtown State College, PA (the G-Man), knowing that at least 3 bars were still on the schedule. The next thing I remember, I'm waking up on my couch, fully clothes, with a rubber skull clutched in my fists, and a mouth that tastes like wolverines have been shitting in it.
Highlights include:
-Starting a wrestling match in the middle of the road, during a snowstorm.
-Heckling drivers who drove by and yelled at us.
-Nailing one passenger in the mouth through a moving car window with a snowball. Bitch.
-Buying an entire pizza and flinging it like a frisbee at one buddy. Cheesy burns!
-Punching friends in the face. Punching self in face.
-Obnoxiously interrupting a solemn goodbye to senior friends to blabber nonsense.
-Going from laughter to tears to laughter in under 1 minute
-Drinking beer in a public area in only boxers
It was a great time. This is all I have been able to collect from 3rd party sources. If you have any information, you know how to get me.

My Interests

The truth?

Fuck online tests.

I'd like to meet:

If you wear camouflage.

You have multiple personalities for work and play.

You can talk about yourself in the third person.

You have wished you were a zombie, a pirate, or a ninja at least once.

You don't take yourself too seriously.

sign up for the Army of Fun. Hoooo-ah.


HOUSE MUSIC. Sleazy, dirty, tribal, funky, deep, progressive, soul, Chicago, I love all the variations. Close behind that are breaks, and drum and bass.


HIP HOP. not rap, not hardcore, not horrorcore, not screw or thug. i'm talking MC+turntablist+breakdancer old skool. or nu skool.

REGGAE. feel good music. this is all stuff that makes me feel good that i have to move to it. which makes me feel even better. it's a great cycle to be in. I like some grunge rock, the blues, and downtempo electronic music (hail thievery corporation) when i'm not jumping around.


must see movies

The Game
Night of the Living Dead
What Women Want (shameful, but true)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1 only)
Ninja 3: The Domination
Sex Commandos
:P (|)
The Usual Suspects
Quentin Tarentino's handiwork
George Romero's gorework
Peter Jackson

more later...wasted too much time in front of a TV as it is.




I think I read too much.

Ayn Rand
Robert Jordan
Stephen King
HP Lovecraft
Chuck Palahniuk
Charles Mesmer (haha)
Jenna Jameson
The I-Ching


My parents. Cheesy. But true. My Dad took a look at a 3rd world country he grew up in, and said, "F this, I am OUT". Studied hard, dodged suicide bombers and snipers, got an MD, and came to America. Mom had her dad die at 18, and became the default family mother while hers went to work. Their lives were approx. 56834 times harder than mine. I guess that's why they're all fucked up. Still my heroes.

Genghis Khan for obvious reasons.

even more obviously: Chuck Norris

Valentino Rossi, the greatest racer of all time.

and roommates that resemble celebrities.

My Blog

MySpace FAiLS

some of you might notice that I have mostly neglected this page.  No new pictures, as I blew up my camera.  Very few new posts, as my EVIL EMPLOYERS have blocked MySpace from work (if you re...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Wed, 09 May 2007 08:42:00 PST

Weird Habits

    The ScatterBrain, fervent blogger that he is, tagged me back in May.  Apparently, to the blogocentric (?  webcentric?  netcentric), this 'tagging' consists of laying ...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:48:00 PST

As long as we're talking about music...

...where do you get yours?  On one hand, there's where you actually get the physical music ( for me, it's TorrentSpy, The Pirate Bay, IsoHunt, DDM, Virgin Records, and various places online that...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 01:40:00 PST

Raw, Colorful, Thick Music

Damn!  There is NOTHING like a music festival to revive your love of life.  The Winter Music Conference in South Beach, Miami was a total fucking blast.  Now, this is where you expect ...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 01:25:00 PST

The Last Question

by Isaac Asimov One of the best science fiction short stories I've ever read.  Don't skip to the end, PLEASE.
Posted by Party Army Captain on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 06:55:00 PST

How Good is It?

Q: Would I rather be sleeping, instead of having the sex I'm 'enjoying' right now? A: You've just taken the Sleep Test.  How good is it?
Posted by Party Army Captain on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 01:17:00 PST

you can't CONCEAL it from me

Men should not have to live in fear of the untruth perpetuated by women.  Do they think us craven beasts, unable to endure their unpainted faces?  NAY We should have the right to choose our...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:19:00 PST

On Valentine's Day... the one you love.  ...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 09:08:00 PST

The Ping Pong King Kong

Don't even try to step to me on this table.  I challenge all pretenders to the throne....and then beat the shit out of them.  Sometimes I let them extend a short lead before mercilessly crus...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 02:46:00 PST

Irony, turbans, and modern politics.

-Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage. -Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces we...
Posted by Party Army Captain on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 12:15:00 PST