The truth?
Fuck online tests.
If you wear camouflage.
You have multiple personalities for work and play.
You can talk about yourself in the third person.
You have wished you were a zombie, a pirate, or a ninja at least once.
You don't take yourself too seriously.
sign up for the Army of Fun. Hoooo-ah.
HOUSE MUSIC. Sleazy, dirty, tribal, funky, deep, progressive, soul, Chicago, I love all the variations. Close behind that are breaks, and drum and bass.
HIP HOP. not rap, not hardcore, not horrorcore, not screw or thug. i'm talking MC+turntablist+breakdancer old skool. or nu skool.
REGGAE. feel good music.
this is all stuff that makes me feel good that i have to move to it. which makes me feel even better. it's a great cycle to be in.
I like some grunge rock, the blues, and downtempo electronic music (hail thievery corporation) when i'm not jumping around.
must see movies
The Game
Night of the Living Dead
What Women Want (shameful, but true)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1 only)
Ninja 3: The Domination
Sex Commandos
:P (|)
The Usual Suspects
Quentin Tarentino's handiwork
George Romero's gorework
Peter Jackson
more later...wasted too much time in front of a TV as it is.
I think I read too much.
Ayn Rand
Robert Jordan
Stephen King
HP Lovecraft
Chuck Palahniuk
Charles Mesmer (haha)
Jenna Jameson
The I-Ching
My parents. Cheesy. But true. My Dad took a look at a 3rd world country he grew up in, and said, "F this, I am OUT". Studied hard, dodged suicide bombers and snipers, got an MD, and came to America. Mom had her dad die at 18, and became the default family mother while hers went to work. Their lives were approx. 56834 times harder than mine. I guess that's why they're all fucked up. Still my heroes.
Genghis Khan for obvious reasons.
even more obviously: Chuck Norris
Valentino Rossi, the greatest racer of all time.
and roommates that resemble celebrities.