People who have interests,interesting people,people who are interested in people who have interesting interests. Being your friend.....BUY MY RECORD!!!!!
Captain Cosmic,2T2,yukmouth,Shooty Babbit, Lisa Bonet(as a cosby kid),lucky,all the O'Sheas,O'Hoolihans,O'Briens, and O'Tuckys I can get my hands on.
All good music!!Really too many cool bands to name,too much typing...However dancehall is some fire shit!!
"chocolateo'brian strikes back","chocolate o'brian & me","the silence of the chocolateo'brian","the fish that ate chocolateo'brian","the baptism of chocolateo'brian", "like water for chocolateo'brian","high plains chocolateo'brian".......the list goes on.
Go to c.d. baby and buy the record!!
Buy the record....try these sites and type in "chocolateobrian" i-tunes Next Radio Solutions MP3tunes Napster QTRnote MusicNow MusicNet Sony Connect Liquid Digital Media PlayIndies
Al Sharpton,Zola Budd,Ted Lange,Mr.Bagoo,Pushy from down the street,My untie,yo untie,Dr.Boobaka,Uncle Fun,The Wookie,all Atari 2600s,Texas Instuments,K-mart,Discount Mart,The El Cerrito Del Norte bart station,Golden Gate Lanes,Konami's "Track and Field"arcade game,Super sprint,Silverball,early ninetys' Berkley house parties,99 cent slices of pizza,The first time I went to telegraph,Tribe,P.E.,Griff Brazil,all those who never beat me up,black superheroes,white superheroes,and not the KKK.