divaided profile picture


We are {di'vaided}, yet we are one!

About Me

Who are we? How did it happen?
We are ..di..vaided.., that is Steffen (Opus) and Manuel (Heimdall). We met each other in Zwickau, where we both studied computer science. Before writing our diploma thesis, we went to Houston, TX, to do an internship at a local company. Owing to our affection for Darkwave, Futurepop and Electro, we had to check out the local clubs and parties. We discovered a small but very friendly and open-hearted scene that made us feel at home very quickly. One night, at number..s (....s), which is the oldest Houstonian club, the local industrial band ..AsmodeusX.. gave a concert. After a combination of funny events (which included giving the pretty girl at the merchandizing booth a hard time by closely examining every item) we were introduced to Paul, the lead-singer of Asmo. To cut it short, we got to know each other, became good friends. We got good insight into a band..s life .. we saw how it worked .. and this is how it started.
What is your band name supposed to mean?
Well, it..s the phonetic spelling for ..divided...
Why a phonetic spelling?
Well, have you ever googled for ..divided?..
Why ..divided?..
Our jobs require us to be at different locations in Germany. So working together is kind of hard. We are separated .. or divided ... yet, we are one entity.
How does it work?
Well, we both work with the same software, and we both work on songs individually. Usually, one of us creates a song (or just a stub), shares it with the other one. We help each other, share ideas and creativity.
Let's be a bit more specific about our duties here: Opus has hardly any music-theory background, but he has a lot of fresh and crazy ideas. He has the talent! He can easily come up with new song ideas and lyrics.
Heimdall has been making music ever since he laid hands on a computer (which was in the early 90..s and the computer was an Amiga). He brings in years of experience.
Our vocals are done by either one of us. Whoever's voice suites best the choice. Would be cool to have someone who can really sing. Well, I guess we just have to work with what we have :-).

My Interests


Member Since: 3/2/2006
Band Members: Steffen Rudoph (Opus)
Manuel Rülke (Heimdall) check out: ruelke.net
Influences: AsmodeusX probably is and was the biggest influence on our work, since they play an active part in our creative process by evaluating new ideas and news songs. Also, we are of course influenced by a lot of EBM-projects out there (look at the "sounds-like" section). Furthermore, especially Heimdall is heavily influenced by early 90's computer game music (esp. Amiga and C64 music). Another influence is the Blues. You might not recognize them, but here and there are some Jazz and Blues elements, due to the fact that a long time ago Heimdall took Blues-Piano lessons. :-) These things just creep in ...
Sounds Like: VNV Nation, Covenant, State of the Union, Shadows in the Dark [SITD], Welle Erdball, X-Machina, De/vision ... though we'd never suggest that we are quite as good.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

First set up of the site

Well, I just finished the first set up of the {di'vaided} myspace page. There is still enough to do, which I am going to safe for later. Hope some people are going to enjoy our music. See ya around...
Posted by divaided on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 03:12:00 PST