I'd like to meet:
Daft Punk
8bit peoples, Assorted Animu musics, Daft Punk, Dust Brothers, Frank Sinatra, Junior Senoir, MC Chris, Mouse on Mars, Portishead, Raymond Scott, The Pillows, Dethklok and only the most smoothest of Jazz
Airplane I and II, Dawn of the dead, Dead Alive, Evil Dead, Hot Shots I and II, Kill Bill, Marx Brothers(any of them), Metropolis, Silent Hill, UHF, Wet Hot American Summer
Eureka seveN, FLCL, Home Movies, Neon Genesis Evangelion, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya / Futurama, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Stella, C-Span, Venture Bros, Kids In The Hall, Metalocalpyse, Colbert Report, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Freakazoid, The Tick(animated), Arrested Development, Strangers with Candy, Weird Weekends with Louis Theroux
Manifold: Time, Space, and Origin by Stephen Baxter / Brief History of Time by Steven Hawkings / Jurassic Park, Lost World, and Congo by Micheal Crichton / Naked Lunch by William S. Burrows / I, Robot By Isaac Asimov/Choke by Chuck Palahnuik / The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene