I don't want to share my interests with you. I'm greedy like that, and I need my space....... STOP SUFFOCATING ME! :)
all the people in China. It'd be a hoot and I'd be forever known as the guy that met all the people in China.
The jingle to Cheerios. You know, someday some guy is going to make a musical about all those little Os.
I like them moving pictures. One time I saw this movie about a car that said VROOM VROOM! and it would kill people. Then this guy was eating a bag of marshmellows and saying "LOOK HOW MANY MARSHME...." and never got to finish the sentence because the car ran him over. And the screen dripped with blood and this other dude, he was a black guy and I think he might have been jewish was there. He was saying something about how talking with your mouthful is a sin and the sinners will burn in hell, and the car was coming right at him, and this dude took a flame thrower to the car and there was fires and explosions and it was AWESOME!
You mean that you can see them movin' piktures in the comfort of your own trailer?! Well skippy dang!
I don't get what all them squiggly lines are, but sometimes they have funny picktures but those picktures don't move. :(
A hero kills people, people that wish him harm. A hero is part human and part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster, and must be avenged.