Layin' Frame
Add to My Profile | More VideosCar shows, especially all Scion Car Shows, chillin' with my friends. I really like sports. I like to play baseball, basketball, and football. Sometimes bowlings is aaah ok. I used to be all good at bowling. Sometimes I like to go to clubs because I like to dance if I'm in the right mood. I also like meeting new people.
I've always wanted to meet MC Hammer.....I've wondered why he was to legit to quiet!
I'm into all kinds of music. I'm up for listening to anything. Like I just started listening to rock-a-billy and phsyc-o-billy music. I grew up listening to rap, hip hop, and r&b, but I also listen to rock, alternative, and punk. I like the sound of the upright bass and the bass guitar.
Horror, Comedy, and Action. I like movies with Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell. Jennifer Anniston is my favorite actress because shes beautiful and she a good actress.
Well Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is on the top of my list and so are The Barkers. I watch a lot of ESPN because I like sports.