I find beauty in art, mind stimulating books and music, tattoos, sky diving, deep sea creatures, my indigenous roots, horseback riding, the cosmos, biology, sociology, medicine, being more connected to the earth, watching my child grow, alternative/environmentally safe energy, leading a life worth living, books, the construct of gender, hiking, dancing, good sex...um, I mean sensual connectedness, alternative spirituality, and the meaning of life.
Your Rising Sign is Aries
You're full of energy - and people look to you to get the party started.Confident and honest, you'll be the one to say what everyone is thinking.You are easily bored, and you always find unique ways to do things.You don't just dream it, you do it. And that's why you're so successful.Too intense for some, often times people are intimidated by you.But you're usually smart enough to charm them anyway!
What is Your Rising Sign?
You Are The Magician
You are powerful and wise - beyond what anyone can see.
Deeply complex, you have the resources to connect to the spiritual and material world.
You posses the knowledge to manipulate your life and the lives around you.
You also have a great healing power, should you choose to use it.
Your fortune:
You have unhidden powers that you have yet to tap into.
Soon, you will better understand how to use your intellect and intuition.
Believe it or not, you will discover how you can manipulate yourself and others for good.
You are at the beginning of a path of spiritual enlightenment.
What Tarot Card Are You?
People who will be constructive and inspirational in my life. 2/13/07 Ah, no doubt, Johnny Depp and John Mayer...wow, two Johns. I just realized that I never write that name out because it looks funny to me. HAHA.
2/13/07 John Mayer's Continuum is on the top of my play list. I can relate every song to my past. It reminds me of where I have been and it keeps me grounded.Lifehouse: Hanging by a Moment, You and Me, Everything.
10/23/06 A movie was mentioned during the conversation about cooking dinner together on Friday...possibly Motorcycle Diaries because I have seen the beginning so many times...but never the end. But, I also have others I haven't seen yet like "About Schimit" (spelling anyone?)and others that I can't remember there names at this exact moment. Ooh, maybe on Friday Kuku and I can watch "I Heart Huckabees". I've seen it already, but I love this film. I see myself in this film. I also have "Requiem for a Dream." That movie kept me clean at one point in my drug dabbling. See it. 2/13/07 Evelyn and I have plans to watch "Mi Familia" together sometime soon.
2/13/07 Ah, lately I only watch kid's shows: Sesame Street, Curious George, Clifford, Mustard Pancakes...nothing you watch probably.
11/13/06 Right now I am enjoying looking through a book I read a couple years ago called "Gender Outlaw" by Kate Bornstein. 12/19/06 I started reading "The Virago Book of Erotic Myths and Legends," which is beautifully written and captivating. 2/13/07 The other day I read some more of the first Harry Potter book. It is surprisingly riveting yet easy and fun to read.
I love you and miss you and will see you again T.O.G.. We all have the ability to inspire each other on a daily basis. Believe what is positive leads to seeing things as such. Conversely, focusing on the negative will only manifest it...Keep good intentions!