Travel, random road trips with no destination in mind. I always carry a valid passport. Sailing, boating, warm sandy beaches.
People of integrity, winners, type "A" personalities, over achievers, confident, intelligent, and driven people that push the boundaries every day. Boring people need not apply.
My Ipod is my best friend. Music is my life and keeps me sane during plane flights and long drives for work. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE receiving custom mixed cd's from friends. I treasure them more than any other monetary gift.
Give me a sexy throbbing bass line and I can groove to anything.
I associate music strongly with people, places and different times in my life.
No time for TV. My valuable time off is spent out enjoying life.
I can wander through Barnes and Noble all day long. I love to read and then pass books onto friends. Good books are meant to be shared.