I like going out to movies(even alone). computer/video games. Role Playing Games(RPG's) D&D, MMORpGs and other very nerdy stuff.
Lots of people that's why I'm doing this thing! I Want to meet people and make friends! Or enemy's. really it seems to me that I have to few of the former and absolutely none of the latter. At least no personal enemy's Bush, stupid republicans and religious kooks are my enemies, Sure but they aren't people I know. I think someone with a well rounded social life should have a few enemy's. --- so if you have something you want to say to me anything at all send me a message or comment. ;)
89.3 the current(radio). stuff I have in my music collection: Alanis Morissette, Arcade Fire, Atmosphere, Bob Dylan, Britney Spears, Clash, Coldplay, Dido, Fiona Apple, Fountains Of Wayne, Gorillaz, GREEN DAY,Gnarls Barkly, Imogen Heap James Blunt, JET, JOHN LENNON, Johnny Cash, LCD Soundsystem, Lftr Pllr, Michael Jackson, Nirvana, Rilo Kiley, She Wants Revenge, Sheryl Crow, Tegan and Sara, Wolfmother. The Hold Stedy other stuff.
I LOVE movies! Some of my favorites: The LOTR Trillogy, Star Wars (II,III,V,VI,Clone Wars), Frank Miller's Sin City, FFVII Advent Children, Serenity, Spider-Man (1&2) Dogma, The Matrix, 300, letters from Iwo Jima, Kill Bill.
Mostly Good TV on DVD. gotta love the Netflix. cant stand TV commercials and I have no cable, although I I'm now hooked on Heroes, A list: HBO, Battlestar Galactica(new one), Dark Angel, Firefly. Rome(HBO)
Ender's Game, The Hobbit, the Harry Potter series, Under the Banner of Heaven, The Wheel of time Series, the Song of Ice and Fire books, 1984, Brave New World, Dark Tower, 'Salems Lot, to name a few...
Spider-man, Paul Wellstone, scientists, Al Gore, John Lennon, honest Police people