Jacknife... In your sweaty hands. profile picture

Jacknife... In your sweaty hands.

And in the end, The love you take is equal to the love you make....

About Me

AS SOME OF YOU KNOW, I AM NOW SERVING AS A CIVILIAN DOD CONTRACTOR IN THE BALKANS, KOSOVO TO BE EXACT.Im in my Mid Twenty's. Huge Beatles fan. I dont get along with most people, especially those my age and below. I cant handle Stupidity. Im easy going I guess. Spend most of my time practicing on my Gretsch, perfecting George's Sound.Layout By WINSTON

My Interests

-=- About Me -=-:

Name: Adam D. Covington
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: 15 March, 1980
Heritage: British
Hometown: Azusa, CA
Current Location: Chino Hills, CA
Relationship Status: Single
Pets: None
Bedtime: 10pm-4am
Dream Job: "George" in a Tribute Band
Current Job: Operations Manager
Dream Car: BMW 745i
Current Car: Toyota
Tattoos: One
Piercings: None
Do you sing? Yes
Do you play an instrument? Yes
Do you smoke? Yes
Do you drink? Yes
Do you swear? Yes
Craziest: Skid
Loudest: Blaze
Funniest: Skid
Smartest: Skid
Prettiest: ..............
Shyest: ..............
Most Innocent: ..............
Food: Northwoods green salad
Beverage: Cap'n & Diet
Salad Dressing: Ranch
Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
Candy: Reese's
Pizza Topping: Canadian Bacon & Black Olives
Song: Too many...
Band/Artist: The Beatles
Celebrity: George Harrison
Movie: Shawshank Redemption
TV Show: House, M.D.
Store: Guitar Center
Perfume/Cologne: Aqua D'Gio
Color: None
Number: ?
Holiday: St. Patricks Day
Season: Winter
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Sport: Baseball
Animal: Yellow Lab
Place to Be: Dodger Stadium
This or That
Vanilla/Chocolate: Vanilla
Croutons/Bacon Bits: Both
Milkshakes/Ice Cream: Milkshakes
Soup/Salad: Salad
Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's/Burger King: Burger King
Sweet/Sour: Sweet
Sunrise/Sunset: Sunset
Sun/Moon: Moon
Sunny/Rainy: Rainy
Beach/Mountains: Mountains
Hot/Cold: Cold
Dog/Cat Dog
Right-handed/Left-handed: Left
Short Hair/Long Hair: Short
Pen/Pencil: Pen
Singing/Dancing: Singing
Cheaters/Liars: Neither
Car/Truck: Car
Coupe/Sedan: Sedan
Automatic/5-Speed: Auto
1 Pillow/2 Pillows: 2
Color Photos/B & W Photos: B & W
Hugs/Kisses: Both
Flowers/Candy: Neither
Teddy Bear/Roses: Neither
In a Guy/Girl
Height: No preference
Hair Color: No preference
Eye Color: No preference
First Thing You Notice: Hair, Smile, Ass ;)
Hook-up or a Relationship: Either
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My Blog

The Un-expected....

Ok.... The last two weeks (Other than seeing my mother) have totally sucked. Work has been tough, no real social life to speak of... and one other thing. Had a family issue, a really serious one, last...
Posted by It's One for you, Nineteen for me! on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 06:05:00 PST

A Sad Day for America....

Todays Election results were definately not in the best interest of this Country. Of course, I dont expect any of you to understand, seeing is how your political influence is based on what you he...
Posted by It's One for you, Nineteen for me! on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 11:02:00 PST

Moving on short notice... again

Its almost Midnight. Im packing to return to Grand Rapids. Have a 5 hour drive tonight to catch my flight in Phoenix. Lets hope I dont fall asleep. I have three more work days once I get back to G-Rap...
Posted by It's One for you, Nineteen for me! on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:24:00 PST