Words are problematic, definitions are vague, and the feelings we have for one another can't easily be explained. In a world filled with ambiguity and assumption, music attempts to define the intagible, the space between the lines.
"What the music I love expresses to me are thoughts not too indefinite for words, but rather too definite." - Mendelssohn
The brainchild of Stephan Wunderlich, PCM was born out of the long sleepless nights of high school melancholy and misunderstanding. Currently a senior in the Sound Engineering program at the University of Michigan, the growth and maturity of PCM's music has become much more apparent with the release of its first official, but untitled, demo. Through thoughtful melodies and memorable hooks PCM finds its niche somewhere between pop appeal and underground understanding.
PCM's music is a refreshing blend of pop sensible electronic soundscapes, and uninhibited songwriting structure.
"To put it quite simply, this music is me."