Revelation from Christ,.,Jj:
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Revelation from Christ,.,Jj:
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{JJ} What i Consider art to be.,.,.,.,That is the question.,.,.,I believe art Is an eternal expression of an emotion droped into a viewable creation.,.,,.we all have our creations our masterpieces.,.,.God also stated We are his creation his masterpiece.,.,,.,We are Art.,.,.,We are emotion,,.,.,therefore my Hypotenuse is Art is a Viewable Creation.,.,.,{JJ}NEW
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RAP and Reggae Is number one next to R&b techno and hip hop plus some Alt. and Rock NOOOOOOOOO country.........{JJ}The thing about Family is U may not Of been born into or even blood But u kno U kno who your Brothas are and u kno who your family is,.,,.,See me and My Brotha.,.,,He Is currently in Iraq,.,.,Please keep him in your prayers and for a safe return home.,..,.,{JJ}
Ay its Your BoI JJ Be Real with me for a moment and become the moment in History.,.,Jj -
art is an internal expression defined with color on paper.........JJPrograms Needed to Keep Your Pc Secure JJ
The three essential software components needed to keep a pc secure is a Firewall, Anti-virus, and Anti-spyware.The three I recomend and personally use are:
Zone Alarm - Firewall
Norton Antivirus - Latest edition antivirus
AD-Aware - Anti-spyware software.There are other Anti-virus, fire-walls , and anti-spyware available , but these have been proven to be the best of the best.Zone-Alarm and Ad-ware allow updating for free and also have a free version of the software while the Norton Antivirus wants you to be involved with a subscription service that could cost up to $40 bucks for the year!!!Heres a Little trick that’s been known to work for me.I un-install then re-install my Norton antivirus and it automatically gives me free updates for the next 3 to 6 months!! Hows that for some extra Gas Money ?{Websites I normally Visit}