Jeneric Gustin profile picture

Jeneric Gustin

Il n'y a aucun lieu comme chez soi...... font size=2

About Me

Long ,long ago, in the center of the universe, a single, rather large mass of matter exploded violently into oblivion creating reality. Everything you see before you was a product of this explosion.Time, stars, planets,even life itself. Everything you know and love was created by this beautiful, violent event. However, there is something wrong. Approximately 199000000000000000000000000000000000000 years later an enormous hole has opened. This hole is violently sucking the universe back in, crushing all mattter into just a few centimeters.Only one person has the power to stop the inevitable. A young boy of no more than sixteen, sleeping, tcompletely unaware of the role he would take to saving life and all things around it. His name was Justin Suddreth®.He soon had a very important dicision to make, one that could disrupt the flow of the events that would soon be taking place. He awoke with a start. His brother Brandon was in the kitchen making pancakes. Yes, he was a hungry lad, but he also had to use the restroom......

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My Interests

General Music-AKA the guitar, creative writing, photography, Broadway,Acting,Stage performances, my own personal wealth of good no, GREAT friends, and The Sharper Image....That place is cool...

I'd like to meet:

People from books I've read, and I want to see all my friends. games I've played and movies I've watched... Bill Gates...? I'm sure I could score twenty bucks off him%D%A
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classic rock, Greenday, classical compositions. My sister Heather turned my to Broadway, and I must say I love her for it. She helped me to broaden my musical horizon and to see exactly what a person could do with their voice. My favorites are definitely Wicked, The Twenty-Fifth Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Spamalot, Cabaret, and Dear Sami turned me to Rent.Rent, being one of my favorite movies, is also on my Movies list. ......oh boy ...THE BANJO..I don't know why. I guess I've always wanted to be in a bluegrass band with a banjo, mullet and a nice grainy thing of skoal in my mouth...but I'm too much a wimp to get a mullet...or to ruin my teeth.


Rent, The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story...Well Any Disney movie, Team America World Police w00t!, Blazing Saddles, Life Of Brian, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Monty Python and the Quest for The Holy Grail...just to name a few.


G4, Attack of the Show, Family guy, HBO, Myth Busters, The Office, Brainiac, House, Weeds, Element and Friends commercials....spongebob, I know... I know


ummm...The DaVinci Code- Dan Brown Angels aand Demons-also Dan Brown Domain- Steve Alten Resurrection Day- Steve Alten Harry Potter books one through six,Soon to be Seven-J.K. Rowling Midnighters:The Secret Hour-Scott Westerfield Midnighters 2:Touching Darkness- Also Scott Westerfield Odyssey-Homer The Hitch-Hikers guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams Oh, Heather will hate me.... Eragon-Christopher Paolini- Eldest- also Christopher Paolini Wicked-Gregory Maguire Of course, the Bible You know what? There a quite a few more, but I just can't think of them... Stupid brain.....


God, Jesus and Everyone back home who I've touched in some way. and no, I don't mean

My Blog

...It has been done..Goodbye.....

ANGELES, CA, July 18, 2005 - News Corporation announced today that it signed a definitive agreement to acquire Intermix Media, Inc. for approximately $580 million in cash, or the equ...
Posted by Jeneric Gustin on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:32:00 PST

Texas and the Bible? Oh boy, here we go...

DALLAS  A Texas legislator wants to require the state's nearly 1,700 public school districts to teach the Bible as a textbook, "not a worship document." The House Public Education Committee was set l...
Posted by Jeneric Gustin on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 06:23:00 PST

10 Things that I wonder.....Not what you wonder.......

1. Why(After a nice hot shower and shampoo) do I still have cake in my hair?    2.Why do people shove their faces into a camera when the nightvision is on?3.How much wood would a Wood-C...
Posted by Jeneric Gustin on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 08:10:00 PST

Cops and Robbers? I Was Neither

                                       INTROI got "a...
Posted by Jeneric Gustin on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:21:00 PST

Things that I hate and love

Posted by Jeneric Gustin on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 11:55:00 PST


Turner and I are going to be famous. Remember us, and we'll remember you.We will....We will.... Rock you..... I can't be sued for that right?
Posted by Jeneric Gustin on Wed, 24 May 2006 02:17:00 PST

Happy Easter or whatever

I watched The Passion of The Christ last night and it really got me thinking. If Jesus is 2006 years old, what is the chance of some new miracle worker coming to us? What if it was me? Maybe I just ha...
Posted by Jeneric Gustin on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:55:00 PST