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About Me

yep, I must be much too old for this stuff, but hey, I suppose you are never too old and it's really kinda fun!There is so much to tell and not enough room! But,here is a bit. Adopted at 8 months old, I searched and located both biological parents. My parents that adopted me, ARE my parents, no one could take their place, and they earned the right to be my parents. My bio parents are just that, the "bio" parents. Close with bio dad, no contact with bio mom. Im married to the man of my dreams and my best friend, Mark. We have been married for 7 years. Fist husband and I were in the Navy together, were married for 12 years, and had two great boys! Robbie is 19, in college and Sammy is 14 in middle school.I'm on disability right now with systemic lupus. I am in recovery for alcohol for 13 years now. It's been a great blessing for me to have found this program. My husband is also a recovering drunk. We have learned to cherish each moment and love life! Doing it SOBER has been a real blast! Much more fun than doing it drunk!Did 7 years in the Navy, 3 active, 4 reserve, and 3 years in the PA National Guard. Was a Navy Journalist and an ARmy Medic. In the real world, I was a hospice nurse before lupus.Life is pretty darn good! Im enjoying all the blessings in mine!

My Interests

I love to write, was a former Navy Journalist. Active in a veterans organization. I used to work as a hospice nurse until lupus grabbed ahold of me. Trying to get rid of those health "things" now. I am interested in just about EVERYTHING! I love learning new things, meeting new people and doing new things. I love going to Ren-faires, dressing up, and acting silly with my kids in the grocery store! Being goofy, laughing and bringing a smile to someone elses face is the greatest thing in each day!

I'd like to meet:

Robin William, Alan Alda, Bette Midler, and probably Oprah


All kinds


Same time next year with Alan Alda, The Color Purple, Steel Magnolias,(ya, all chick stuff) oh, I love all the pixal movies! Cars, Toy Story, Shrek is the best!


CSI, SVU, all those great detective types


Lovem' all!


My Dad, the epitome of what a father should be. Never judgmental, always listened, gave advice when asked, loved me unconditionally. My daddy died in my home, holding my hand. HE asked me if I would be ok when he was gone, and when I said yes, he let go, gone in less than 2 hours. I believe that if I'd told him I couldn't make it without him, he would have tried to stay here, in all the pain that he was in. A man that lost his leg to cancer and infection from the hip joint down, walked on crutches for 35 years, to work in Pittsburgh, and home, never complained about what life gave him. Never spilled a drop of the coffee that he carried on a tray, never wore a prosthetic, and was ALWAYS a good friend and the best daddy!~ I was very blessed to have this man in my life!