About Me
If i haven't made something out of myself by the time i'm 18 i'm joining the army!
My mentality to life will be alot different to yours. Most of you are a joke, i don't get how you all go from loving My Chemical Romance to Cannibal Corpse then suddenly you rape "hardcore" you wouldn't know real hardcore if it slapped you in the face with a wet fish.
Narrow minded, judgemental, 80's hardcore, bed, alphen an den rhine, 60's, jiving jamboree , people are false, warm jumpers, hot chocolate, bms, heat, mods, stars, porn, rules of attraction, sleep, grind, not getting up, trip-hop, tea, big jackets, boring clothes, britpop, away, 5 pairs of the same jeans, grumpy, parties, chocolate biscuits, the better things, mistakes, happy, stupid passwords, killing myself with junk food, relaxing, peaceful drinking.