Sports of all kinds: volleyball, basketball, surfing, snowboarding, soccer, dancing (competitivly and for fun), or yeah, and modeling!
Photographers, agencies, anyone looking to book for photo shoots and/or fashion shows, and other people in the industry (you always gotta be showing love to those who are following their dreams!!!)Also, I seldomly add people that I don't know, so while I appriciate all of the nice things you gentlemen have to say about me, please don't crowd my Friend Request or Inbox - Thanks! :)
Anything I can dance to and fits my mood! But I have been known to be an R&B Junkie!
My whole family, my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister and my grandparents for always following their dreams and pushing through hard times! They are the ones that have shown me how to be the best person I can be no matter what anybody else says or thinks!