Cri$ Ca$h-Mr.2Fly4TV:The Self Proclaimed, Hip-Hop James Brown...blends animated punch-lines, endless catch-phrases, expert stage presence and a personal style like no other in the industry.Ca$h prides himself in the show and his patented "Rooster Strut" leaves crowds in awe...his hit single "Ready 4 My Close-Up" proves just that...he has been a star the world is just late in knowing. He is Flashy, He is Loud...the Peacock,the Rooster,the Drum Major, the Klown Prince...the epitome of Showtime. He is Money...hence the name Ca$h.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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Myspace Layouts, Contact Tables & More! Rap Game's Marty McFly!!!""Playin' Madden 2020 on a Playstation 12... I must be from the Future cuz y'all style old as hell...""; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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