Spending time with my wife and my kids. (no, seriously, I'd rather do that then anything else)
Playing golf
Building or fixing computers
Building something out of wood
Rockstar: SuperNova--The ending was, in final thought, quite disappointing. I like Lukas and am happy for him.
But after all is said and done, I would rather see Dilana, Storm or Ryan in concert, especially if backed by the House Band, who were truly amazing.
Plus there is a fundamental element of hipocracy in the whole mess, as that Band maintained throughout that they had to pick someone right for them, but then claimed they picked Lukas because he was the fan favorite--which is is guys?
In no particular order:
Very eclectic: Favorite bands of all time (and, IMHO in a league of their own) are:
Top favorites:
Right now TV is pretty much dead to me, but I'm a big fan of American Idol and Big Break
Classic TV: Seinfeld, Hawaii Five-0, Hogan's Heroes and News Radio.
Political: Hannity and Colms.
Sports: Golf and some tennis. Basketball, football and baseball during the playoffs.
Anime: Full Metal Alchemist.
Just finished reading Rough Stone Rolling and it was very good.
My wife, Tracy. She has had alot of emotional challenges thrown at her throughout her life, yet she has always forged on. Anybody who could willingly put up with me for 24 years has got to be something else.
My mother, Marva. My mother, who I fondly call Mammy because I would walk a million miles for one of her smiles. In all of the challenges of life, she is first and foremost an optimist. Second, she is a strong woman who enjoys life, especially her family, her golf, her bridge and her friends. Third, she understands and accepts that life carries its duties and she handles them without complaint because that is life.
My father, Jack Intellectually curious his entire life, a company man who always cared about the people he worked with, for and over, and a hard worker who maintained a reputation for getting the job.