.:Michelle:. profile picture


U kno how we do..(do di DuTtY WiNe)! *O my not her n her agen lol*

About Me

"Accept me for who i am n wot im not, i am hu i am...nothings guna change tht..."I'm 18 and i'm from Northampton in UK- now tht's there don't message me askin me where i'm from! Ok..so i've just finished sixth form at Moulton. Guna miss seein all the ppl from there...can't believe how fast time flies. But it's time for chnge. N hopefully i will b goin uni lata this yr to study human biology combined wiv psychology- i duno where tht's guna lead me to career wise but it opens alot of doors so im guna go for tht. So far lifes been gd to me. Every expierience has taught me something and i wouldn't change a thing. Well maybe i wuld but there'll always b wot ifs...! In general i love to dance n sing. U will usually find me on the dancefloor somewhere. I think it's fair to say i live in the lil room in lava ignite wiv my donut muffin friend Emma doin the dutty wine! At the moment, i'm really lovin bashment, dancehall, raggae, hip hop, rnb n garage...don't get me rong though..i do lke abit of evrything. Jst i find rock music a lil hard to dance to! But i still lke it. If i'm not dancin i'm shoppin...however u will only ever find me in the shops early mornin, cos i hate ques. N i never try nething on, i jst buy lol. (i kno wot fits!!) As much as i love it though i'll b done in bout an hour or so at most. Unfortunately for my parents i've developed quite the taste for expensive things...sometimes my spendin is shockin...! But never mind hey, as long as i mke up for it by being well behaved lol. I'm a gd gurl..not easily led. I'm strong minded when i kno wot's right. N will put up a gd fight for tht matter if so. But at the sme time i kno when to bck off and i'm not one to jst pick fights wiv ppl. But as i sed, i will stnd my ground if i have to. Life's full of ppl ready to tear u down...luckily i've not been in tht kind of situation. I've got alot of ppl lookin out for me so don't mess! LOL. Besdes i wuldn't give u a reason to hate me. ok..i feel lke i've waffled on long enuf now. Add me if u like...:D N if u took the time to read all of this then thanks!O MY MYSPACE HAS GONE MAD n IS RANDOMLY DELETING ppl if it has deleted u then, IT'S NOT ME DOIN THT! Just add me agen plz!

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My Interests

I like singing and dancing. I quite enjoy doing sport too.. though i am quite a lazy person...so i don't enjoy sport unless it's a competition cos i need motivation lol...i can't just stand there and throw a ball into a net, there's no point.. no one there to witness it either. I like shoppin.. Labels/Brands/Designers i'm currently rockin': *Louis Vuitton *Theo Fennell *Roberto Cavalli *KG Shoes *Chloe *Ed Hardy *Amplified *Arrogant Cat *True Religion *Christian Louboutin *Juicy couture Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

You!!!!! n erm..T.I..erm..there's more,i just cnt b bothered to wrte them all down.

Myspace Dolls - Free Image Hosting


I'm into abit of evrything

Myspace Glitter


Oooooo...!!! my favourite genre has gotta be Horror, but i enjoy comedy too like the Scary movie films, they make me chuckle!!!!


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My Blog

Y do I BOTHER?!?!

Well neways, so i thought it wuld b a gd idea to go Tescos at night seein as it's 24/7 n all. N it won't b so busy later on cos most ppl r asleep. Me being me, i drive my MiNi lke it's a bus. Im rubbi...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Fri, 18 May 2007 02:52:00 PST

Me + hair dye

Right.. SO just finished dying my hair red agen cos my high light have faded. Easy to redo it myslf then goin to hairdressers. Well it's gone to abit of a shocker red..hmm. in sunshine it's guna b lk...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 03:02:00 PST

No..i don't believe it- the reason y i lack brain cells.

Well it was just my luck tht i got home drunk agen, n manage to almost kill myself. The other night i got bck i managed to slip on the top of the stairs cos i was too busy txtin someone to look where ...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 01:39:00 PST

Vacuum conditioner, silly me...here we go agen.

Right, so there am in the shower, my hair drippin wet after i've just rinsed it free of shampoo. Now time to put the condition on. I tip the bottle upsde down n the bloody thing is refusin to budge, i...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:23:00 PST

I would just lke to say...

Wow..these past few weeks have been a bit of whirl wind...so much goin on in such little time. I wasn't really myslf for most of tht time, i was quite upset n disappointed bout things...situations whi...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:41:00 PST

Yay me! I'm guna b partyin wiv Tila Tequila in London!!-WAS, cnt go no more!

All of u on here must know her! Yes, i've been chosen as one of the finalists for Tilas playgirls model search! Yay me lol! I don't care if i don't win, im not sure if modelin is my thing, but wot the...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:04:00 PST

Another episode at the chippy....

Like here we go agen... So im tlkin to my Dad at the chippy, sayin "...Dad,Dad,Dad...listen to me! BLAHBLAHBLAH etc" . Then a customer hu was listenin goes.."Oi Chan (that's my Dad)..is tht ur daughte...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:26:00 PST

Check out this video: SNL - Homelessville skit w/ Justin Timberlake

SNL - Homelessville skit w/ Justin TimberlakeAdd to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 08:30:00 PST

Big Announcement!

So there i was after a late night out, shoppin at hlf 9 ish in the mornin, wonderin round the shops..lookin lke a tramp but wotever. My mum decdes she wants to step into Beatties im lke kk. Seein as t...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 04:32:00 PST

Comes to think about it..

This is relating to my last blog, I do, do alot of strange things, of course there's the usual lke me freakin out- WHERE'S MY FUCKIN PEN?! ...N err o yea, it's in my hand. But when i thnk bout it...
Posted by .:Michelle:. on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:57:00 PST