I have "multimedia OCD"....you figure it out.
Sir Walter Raleigh (a party ANIMAL, I'm sure), any German guy named Adolph (I'm guessing the name still hasn't come back into vogue in the Fatherland), Gene Simmons for a blistering round of miniature golf, Andy Sturmer to thank him for "Spilt Milk" and all the happy hours of listening it's given me, and Shields & Yarnell....just to find out what they've been up to all these years.
Power Pop junkie...Jellyfish is the greatest American band of all time. Cheap Trick runs a close second for me. Kiss(Unmasked....totally underrated), Big Star, UFO, Elvis Costello(from SPIKE backwards), David Bowie, Badfinger, Blinker the Star, Naked, Union, The Knack, It Bites, Matt Bianco, Golden Earring, Dylan, Pink Floyd, The Band, old school Heart, The Beatles, Jason Falkner, Talking Heads, Prince.
The Big Sleep (all time favorite), The Right Stuff, The Rocketeer, Indiana Jones Trilogy, The Abyss, Lawrence of Arabia, U-571(every submarine cliche rolled into one glorious whole), Real Genius, Little Shop of Horrors, Spartacus, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Fandango, Wrath of Khan, Hobson's Choice, Goodbye Mr. Chips, Auntie Mame, Captain Blood
Any member of the Law & Order juggernaut, Family Guy, Trek (next gen or voyager), Mythbusters, virtually anything on History Channel or DiscoveryTimes.
Currently reading: Wittgenstein's Poker: The Story of a Ten-Minute Argument Between Two Great Philosophers (brain food) and Black Water Transit (brain candy)
the inventor of Cheez Whiz, Alec Baldwin's character in "Glengarry Glen Ross", anyone who can play the banjo without smiling.