Dancing and laughing plus a dash of psychologically based dabbling!
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The English Patient, Amelie, Kill Bill 1, Cry Baby and the superb Crash. I'd happily sit through a horror film or psychological thriller! I steer clear of Dumbo and Bambi (as they upset me when I was but a wee bairn - especially when Dumbo's mum got locked up/Bambi's mum died!!) And NEVER NEVER watch Watership Down (I can't believe that's a U)!!!
ER and HouseOoh, I have now watched the first series of 24 - fantastic!!!
Gross - Psychology - The Science of Mind and Behaviour, Orwell - 1984, Huxley - A Brave New World, Cartwright - Evolution and Human Behaviour, Atwood - A Handmaid's Tale, Alice Walker - The Colour Purple, and Harry Potter (but shh, don't tell anyone!)
Maya Angelou, Richard Dawkins and those of superb artist talent!