I am ME profile picture

I am ME

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us

About Me

want to know the real me click here

You can uncover your facade. I believe myself to be genuine and I would never betray the ones I love. I value my family and those who are REAL. I like to be fascinated by the anomalous. I am constantly thinking and I love to live. I have Loved... Lost... and Learned. The three things that every soul should feel. I yearn for those that put a smile on my face. I crave for the one that will give to me what I will give back. I do not belong in anyone's Virus. Satisifaction is found on my own. Don't Lust for what you See... Desire what you know. I have a lot to say when it states "about me", so if you really would like to know ....ask..

someone once told me..."Hey, if you got it flaunt it! If you don't, stare at someone who does. Just don't lick the screen,it leaves streaks."

My Interests

ever step on a nail or bit your tongue or get hit by a car or have your heart ripped out by someone who claimed to love you...? did you ever go skydiving and have your parachutes not open, but smack the ground and live, suffering the agony of crushed bones and bruised muscles? yeah thats ME
Drift works 2

I'd like to meet:

You Are a Flashy Red Bra!
Outgoing, friendly, and fascinating.
You're a charmer, with your pick of the women.
But you want a woman who's as magnetic as you are.
You need someone who can keep up with your all night gab fests! What Kind of Bra Are You?


one day...you're going to wake up and realize how much you care about me...
and when that day comes...
I will be waking up with the girl that already knew!

My Blog

Why is a rose defined as beauty or love???

If you have chosen this blog, you have found yourself in a midst of figuring out love or why it is called the beautiful symbolic meaning of love.  Look at a rose, and when you think you have foun...
Posted by I am ME on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:51:00 PST

why is that....?

after a long day watching dramas about life, it started to get me thinking. what is it about someone that can just walk away... without worry...without concern... without care. how can one say these v...
Posted by I am ME on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 09:56:00 PST