♫ Shay ♫ profile picture

♫ Shay ♫

♥ I miss you so much my Love words could never tell what we lost , May Your Soul Rest In Peac

About Me

.. width="300" height="80" ....Hmm. Okay well here goes...I'm out of control half the time...I have my beliefs but I will listen to you...I've been a model for a few months now and I love the job...I have a handfull of step brothers and sisters...but only one biological sister...she's the greatest thing in the world....I would like to do more charity work than I do...big beleiver in helping the less fortunate...I'm easy to talk to they say....I know 4 different languages...lil mandarin..lil spanish...lil armenian...and ofcourse english...my weakness... I would say is that I would see the good in the devil somehow....my strengths..I'm loyal faithful...hopefull... and I may not always have the right answers but I will be there for you if you ever needed it...my friends are everything to me...they've seen me through too much...we've laughed ..cried and yelled more times to count...I'd do anything for them.and ..hmm..it's easy to hurt me...I get attached to people easily...it's not hard to piss me off if you know what your doing...I'll love you and see you through anything but if you fuck up I'm out and in no time you will find yourself at my feet wanting me back...every time without fail has this happened it really sucks...most people really need to learn to appreciate what they have before it's taken from them..okay so that's enough.....e-mail me if there's anything I missed.=)SwA few of my girls...rolling VIP @ Aqua..thanks to Mr.Style n Class.
Mikee N I...
Our Vegas trip earlier this year...VIP everywhere Baby! I love it!
| View Show | Create Your Own The chickadees...
I love this woman..
I got tackled into that pic as you can see..lol..
A few more of my girls..AKA..my sisters
The Tue. night Girls team on My Birthday..sweetest group of girls you'll meet.
I hate when people sing to me in Resturaunts..makes me blush it's embarrasing.

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

Guys..not boys....basketball..Go Lakers!!..Hockey...Go Ducks...Pool..I play on 2 different pool teams...I used to play rollerhockey but because I model I can't anymore. I love to swim...I'm a fish...Like to read but I never have time for it...fishing... waterskiing..wakeboarding ...bodyboarding...anything really...I'm down for whatever.

Devilish Gear Fashion Show in November

Anthony Sturmas and I. (the designer)

The Scandalvision Fashion Show.. My 2nd shoot with Photographer Heather Rose of Objective Photography.Visit her website @ www.http//Objectivephotography.com

I'd like to meet:

Good People...honest..real people!

I get all the girls..lol..jk...I feel loved..

One of the best crews I've had the plesure knowing..Miss you guys!


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My Mother.

My Blog

Something worth reading

Too True, Too OftenToo often we don't realizeWhat we have until it is goneToo often we wait too late to say"I'm sorry - I was wrong."Sometimes it seems we hurt the onesWe hold dearest to our heartsAnd...
Posted by Something Else on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:18:00 PST


I was ready to love you but you weren't ready for me. I'm pretty sure you loved me once but her's is stronger.. I love you enough to let you go Happiness is found in our hearts and if you have found ...
Posted by Something Else on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 04:48:00 PST

Did You think you had it bad?

If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair;There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.Should you have a bad day at work;Think of the man who has been out of w...
Posted by Something Else on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:20:00 PST

To All the Nice Girl's May These Word's Somehow Inspire You!"

-To every girl that dresses cute, not skanky-To every girl who wants to be called beautiful, not hot.-To every girl that will spend her whole day looking for the perfect birthday present for you.-To e...
Posted by Something Else on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:33:00 PST

Experts say I'm....

Your Personality Is Guardian (SJ)You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.You ar...
Posted by Something Else on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:47:00 PST

My Soul

http://images.quizilla.com/P/PainfulBliss/1105879328_Carig_s oul.JPG" border="0" alt="Caring soul">Your soul is caring.Other people are your concern, even if youdon't know them. If you see a person tri...
Posted by Something Else on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 09:33:00 PST

Thing's Stressed Women May Say @ Work!!!

Things Stressed Women May Say At Work!!! 1. Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you. 2. You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing. 3. Well, this day was a total waste of make-up. 4. Well, aren't we ...
Posted by Something Else on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 03:16:00 PST