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kexp is usually dialed up on my old pioneer but i do listen to a lot of jazz, art blakey and horace silver are two favorites...deerhoof, citizen cope, jeff buckley's grace are all recent plays on my ipod...and i love oldies, mainly 1950s-60s, the more obscure the better.
too many to mention but old favorites are harold & maude, franco zefferellis romeo & juliet, crossing delancey, hard days night, a patch of blue, to sir with love, imitation of life, where angels go trouble follows....
dick van dyke, the daily show, the office, absolutely fabulous, saturday night live, henry rollins show, weeds, psychic detectives, in punk we trust and law & order, CI
i should read more but i guess anything by langston hughes, jeanette winterson, margaret atwood, the beats and dorothy parker. i like to read a lot of poetry as well, currenly my favorite poet is joy harjo.
my parents, my grandmother isabelle, anne frank, bella abzug, socrates, langston hughes, MLK, anita roddick, eleanor roosevelt, jimmy carter, art blakey, sylvia plachy, gordon parks and my clients to name the ones i can think of right now...