Youve come so far since the time.... profile picture

Youve come so far since the time....

<font color=bluehmmmm pretty........

About Me

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;

most of my friends ive known forever
some of my closest friends ive known only for months
addicted to starbucks and subway via april
if i died tomorrow id only have 2 regrets
i prefer blades to bullets
i hate straight edge
'scene trends' will die soon
and i will laugh at those left in the ashes
im considered a dork
i consider i dont give a ****
i used to say **** a lot
my beliefs are more accurate then yours
i made mine
i despise organized religion
although catholics are bad asses
yet to see a horror movie that scared me
"signs" scared the living hell out of me
cool people can drive a stick shift
my mommy has a GTO
im attracted to all things red
red hair is my weakness
so are green or blue eyes
cranberry-grape juice looks like blood and i love it
halloween is my christmas
i only drink vodka or vodka products
my mom gave me two things
manors and classic rock
ok three.... my eyes too
most of my friends are girls
a good number of those are ex's
i hate bitches
i hate fakes
ive been guilty of doing both of the last stated
no matter the proof against it ill always eat meat products
i drink little soda other than at school
im out of shape but could easily snap back
that keeps me from doing so
i have few scars on my skin but several in memory
pansy guys make me laugh
solitude is hell while privacy is desired
i hold grudges
the movie of the same name sucked
ive never played spin the bottle
people piss me off but i cant stand being alone
i have issues
i love donnie darko
it requires a brain to watch it
i love grease
it doesnt require a brain to watch it
however the 50's just rocked
rock is one of the true forms of music
i regret to say so but rap is the only true NEW genre of the last 20 years
i really dont like rap
ive studied exorcisms
i like to criticise movies about demons
i study mythology on several subjects
i hate math
i love cars
sadly the two join each other
i almost turned wiccan
of all my scars the only ones left have no meanings
often im only happy when it rains
cemetaries are so beautiful to me
true beauty lies in true simplicity
i use that "b" word very sparingly
i ♥ fire
I ♥ my truck
i have trouble facing the truth
i love to slow dance
i hate being alone

i hate the unknown
this is called beauty
true beauty
meaning and simplicity together

Miss farhat
wellz, korey...very open-minded, at least from what i see. doesn't get offended easily. gets jokes that most people wouldn't get. there to talk and to understand even if its not something he should talk about or understand. great friend. well thats pretty much it..not like "it", like "there is nothing else to his person" because people can't really be summed up by a bunch of words..i mean they can, but i can't explain what i mean by that because i'm not good at explaining myself..and it is a rare occasion that you find me doing so. if i were to sit here and pinpoint each different quality of one person, then i'd have to spend like years. people change..different enviroments, different scenarios, whatever. different moments define who we are... so thats pretty much all i got.

Miss hand bag Lauren
my thoughts on korey: he'll surprise you by doing something unbelievably sweet. he'll make you laugh and you can trust him with just about anything.

i remember when you broke up with me in 7th grade
you gave the note to shane and he gave it to me and it was like i knew it was going to happen all day. and then as soon as i saw shane walking towards me. my heart dropped. and i didnt get over you for 3 years
it was great.

you're probably one of the easiest people to talk to. i can tell you just about anything and i know that you wont tell anybody. you worry way too much but thats ok. you basically kept me sane during last semester and for that, i thankyou! ♥ lauren

May May ♥ oranges
so korey... i wanna write something uberly cool about you too.. soo i'm gonna start by saying... you are DEF one of my closest friends.. who knows what i would have done those boring summers when i couldnt drive... almost drowning that poor little bou who was bugging the crap outta us was so much fun... running through the sprinklers in our clothes, getting drentched.... haha fun times... going to dinner with the whole "inner circle" at that one place.. gosh i dont even remember the name... and learning about sex.. making people so grossed out by our convo that they left... me, nick, the orange tree, and the damn orange juice... haha it was great... you are one of the few people i can trust with anything, whom i know wouldnt tell a soul and you wouldnt judge me either... you help me with my problems with freggin html's and stuff, my awesome web layout advisor, whom i would do anything for! and i can talk to you with out any problems or having to worry about what you would think because you like me for who i am as a person, and of coarse i mean "like" as in a friend way..
soo this is part 2 cuz apparently i wrote too damn much... lol.. i love how open minded you are, and how you get my jokes when no one else does, and how you never seems to get offended.. i love how you come to me for advice, knowing i wont sugar coat anything... and how you are so talented and how cool your dogs are... i love how you follow your heart for the most part, sometimes you follow your head which could get you into trouble sometimes lol... but i think that is it for now.. i'll write more when i think of more...
i love how i can randomly call you and we can get a bunch of people together and have a great time at your house, i love your mom and how she comes do the door in her cute penguine jammies lol and says to me "wow, Megan?! you've grown" even tho she saw me not more than like 5 or 6 months ago. i love how you got me to try that new pizza which i would have never known how good it was, as well as your total random comment "guys, dont get stains on my pool table" yes, there is a pun intended... playing the song ".. and she ran off with a n...." let me not type the whole word. haha i love how you took your hat off and dust came flying out hahah and i love your bright spot light and the poster man of dale jr... and i love how we can sit in your garage and take random photos all night.. well that is until my mom made me come home, i love how i lived down the street from you for 4 years and just recently we've become such great && close friends.. and i love how you and nick get along so great together && how i thought you and him were still talkin about those dang trucks when really you were talkin about what kind of pizza we should by... i love how i called you like 8 million times yesterday and you never got annoyed with me and how your dogs are so hyper and and and.... dammit... gotta do a part 4
freakin part 4.. you gtta love me Korey!! haha mmk so where was i.. oh yea.. and i love how i can write random things in your comment box and you know it all comes from my heart and i mean all of it... and we so have to do last night again! i think that is all i can think of for right now... i'll get back to you later! ♥
ahhhhhhh so a part five/// gosh korye, who knew i could write so much?!? lol well i love how your party was a total blast even tho me, nick, jimmy, and david seperated ourselves from the squeeling girls hjahahah... and i love how your dad is so cool and let me play darts and was scared i was gonna tho one at him, and i love how you just handed me your camera since you knew i was gonna steel it anyways =D but most of all, i love how you are you, and how you dont care if others judge you! ily korey and you know i will always be here for you =D

My Interests

if youve read this whole page and you still think you can stand me...

by all means contact me

IM screen name: crimsonstaind650

"youre weird"
"no... that was a compliment"

story of life

I'd like to meet:

kurt cobain, jim morrison, and jimi hendrix at a local music bar

so that would be that one dream meeting everyone wonders of

realisticaly? hmmm i dont get along with many guys. ive notcied that. only guy friends of mine are car guys. or music guys. tis my life. but girls. lets get there since im sure this is the point of which this little section stands for. ive dated a wide variety so far. i dont stay within certain social groups. i date the person not the image. hair isnt an issue. ive found myself attracted to the red-ish end of the spectrum lately but ive dated blondes and brunettes equally. my only main thing is music. i dont ask that you like my music. i love for my music. its my life. key being "my" not yours. im not asking you to love my music like i do even to like it just be open to it. ill do the same for you. i love my mother and i respect her judgement and her judgement alone. so far her opinions of the girls ive dated have been exactly what happened. freaky but since its so constant im sticking to it. yeah so what im a momma's boy. my momma has the fasted fully stock car on the westside. my momma went to a richard petty driving class and out of a 20 person class it was 19 men and her. she had the fastest time. my mother has the best aim with a pistol than anyone i know. i think its ok to be a momma's boy. im really lax in this stuff. be open minded but at the same time know what you stand for. and take charge too. i dont believe in all the old roles of sexuality. just because im the guy doesnt make me in charge. ill do my end of things and ill do what i believe i should. i hold doors, pull out chairs, and should my wallet allow pay for you and your friends. all i ask is you be nice.

i guess you could say i want a girl i can bring home and get along with my messed up family but then take out and go to a local show with and party with until whatever hours we please. im uptight and reserved. i need someone opposite of that.

yessums i think that hits it fairly

All my Rockin Rockstars
exactly what i need

She makes me wanna LaLa....

southern rockin/emo/skatastic sister

Last September's Dream

Ariella... Vanilla puddin


My Concert Biotch



2 Strawed Gangsta

May May Skrate ^^

My Cuzzo with that Red Hairrr

Lil Bro Fo Sho

Want to see my Groupies?
See what the others say...



i like a wide range of things but lately ive been on thinking movies and zombie movies. been watching shaun of the dead endlessly. sorry mother...MUM!
but yeah you got dawn of the dead, dawn o4, Day of the dead that not many liked although i did. also the evil dead although its different. lots different. and despite the criticism i thought 28 days later was really good in the fact that it was NOT a zombie movie. once you think that way you can see why the critics are all morons.
on the other hand there are all those other zombie movies namely resident evil or house of the dead. those were ok just not high on my lists
"The Boondock Saints" of course
one of my new favorites is Donnie Darko. beautiful beautiful movie.... very well thought out, well filmed, good angles, amazing sub-blot which makes it what it is, and the theories involved are actual theories not just made up ones. if you enjoy a good drama, a sci-fi, timetravel, or theology get it. its brilliant. bloody brilliant. if it made me think you know its deep. if the matrix (the actual first one , you know the only good one) or the ring or butterfly effect confused you or lost you easily dont even try to watch donnie darko alone. its deep but good. if you want entertainment its got loads of good lines such as donnie saying: "why do you wear that bunny suit? and getting the reply of "why do you wear that man suit?" all kinds of great entertainment. on the other hand if you want somethign thought provoking that too is offered. yes enjoy ill stop giving reviews on it
grease( yes i admit it and im proud of it), clerks the timeless classic, dogma, butterfly effect, gone in 60 seconds, the last samuari, the replacement killers
and yes my precious. The Punisher.
the true badass
and the crow. twas a good movie
then the Blade series. mainly Blade II though, and Underworld, and the movies based from Anne Rice's works. i have a really good vampire movie but i cant remember what its called. ill look lateras leo said in grease. The rules are... there ain't no rules!


yeah i dont watch it.

better things to do. like read. or computer. or sleep. or eat. or work on my truck

well there is buffy and family guy and that 70's show but i never remember when they are on. but yes those


mostly poetry or vampire literature. i love edgar allan poe's work. its genious.

finished reading Blackwood Farm by anne rice.
twas a great thing to read

Profile designed by ME cause i rock like that


i used to not believe in heros but after much thought i have thought of some that do indeed fit specifically into my life and i would be lost with out. if you are not here it is not personal by anymeans. these are the people that have been involved in some way shape or form in some event of my life that has been of the highest importance
i must still say i believe the following
"all the inspiration one should ever need lies within yourself."
but here we go
april... she taught me to live and makes me want to
and still does
Miss Brittney Lee Brown... words are not enough.... thank you
Little bit who despite her size is stronger than most i know
miss ariella who is my ever constant reminder that things never get too bad and its always ok to sing
My lovely neighbor/first "advisee" for layouts and photo edits... and who i vent to... and who i go to for advise because she wont sugar coat anything... and yeah it goes on
Jenny who has always been wonderful to me no matter what ive done. i never realized and learned everthing from her until it was too late. and above all she taught me mercy
my audra who exposed me to a whole new realm and keeps my head on straight. that and that 2 straws is the only way to roll. respect is not a strong enough word for my feelings to her. awe is more fitting.
my diddly ditzers who make me have fun whether i want it or not
if you arent here dont be offended. these people have huge meaning beyond what you could know. the captions serve no justice

My Blog


this is a hint 47779806 com/47779806
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:51:00 PST

Gave up waiting at daylight

please vote for Mr. Brown's 1967 Chevrolet Rs Camarroits a beautythis is it. i posted before you can actually vote.that said... i just watched SLC Punk. as always i have thoughtsi could ri...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 06:40:00 PST

last goodbye

 you were everything but i was less than you wanted. by the time i was able to fix that you wanted something elsefor your sake i hope youre happyfor mine i hope you stay that waygoodbye...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 03:25:00 PST

more meaning than few of you are willing to search for

im starting to enjoy writing these. however the terms needed to write these are rather draining to me. i love the results but i hate the means   now i have a date with a certain black labelled r...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 10:11:00 PST

i think i need a sunrise. tired of a sunset.

well i wrote a really long thing. it was almost a short story i guess. but it didnt postand when i hit back it was gone. it was beautifuland i never compliment my own workit was fucking beautifuland i...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 09:20:00 PST

I'm leaving today, so why don't you care...

standing there he counted the petals on the rose. it was a beautiful rose really. quite fitting for her he thoughtshell like it. she would like a rose...the door remained unanswered through his though...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 10:09:00 PST

im not listening when you say goodbye

brittney advises i only show this containing the last 5. i agree with her. the stuff before truly isnt as good as the rest but it explains it. it explains why anything would be done for her. because i...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 06:49:00 PST

Dated May 12 2005

an oldie im not sure i ever posted.the file was called may 12 so im assuming that was when i wrote itas i lie here in my bed visions run rampant through my head.visions of angels who have fallen from ...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 06:25:00 PST

frankly dear your silence bothers me more than your words

felt like writing so i are the resultsIt was a night of beauty. Those eyes together such a unique thing. The first set showing things unknown but the others... The others such as polished ma...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 05:10:00 PST

with the warmth of your arms you saved me

a part of me has diedand i do not regret. it happened last nighta part of me came to life the night beforethis new life of sunday night helped to kill me off last night and now i stand new.its a wonde...
Posted by Youve come so far since the time.... on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 04:40:00 PST