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People Die To Make LIFE Important

About Me

Layout made by SummerSo hi, Im Codie Nichole. Anyways I recently moved back to WV to live with my family so I could be here and have my baby girl. Whom I am goin to name Halo. I have a UNICORN, her name is Brandy, I dont know what I would do without her shes always there no matter what, bustin her ass for me. Thank you soo much, I couldnt do any of this without you, I love you soo much. She also has 2 beautiful lil chics, I absolutely love to pieces. But they live in Tx. I have a boxer dog, her name is Xena 2, we chill all of the time. I miss my boys Dustin and Ben, they're great, they kept me sane while I was still in TK. I also miss my Ali I love her so much but sometimes I love to hate her too, we have a wierd relationship. I have 2 moms, one is Vonna, shes great, I swear she's a Saint. I love her more than anything. The other ones name is Nancy she lives in Tx and I love her too. Moving on... I have a lot of great friends, way too many to mention, but for a few, a lot of them live in WV, I want to show some love to Chris W, Amber and Jaime, My Boy Trav, Marco and Jodi, and to the rest of yas, I love yous guys too, and my Marines Shawn and Michael, I gots love for yous guys too. My Tx peeps Im showin some love to Chaz whom Im pretty sure me and Halos gonna move in with when I move back down to Tx after I have her, thank-you Chaz and I Love You!! Also Chris, Eric, Kyle, Austin, Traci, and Livi, my Unicorn Brandy and your babies, and my boys Jason and Arien, you sexy motha fuckas! Also I cant forget Ben and Dustin, yous guys kept me sane and high for a couple months b4 I left to come back here, God, thanks for that, I Loves yous guys! And Ben also thanks for well being a REALLY GOOD neighbor, lol. To everyone else not mentioned, Fuck You! Moving on... I have some really wierd habits, Ill mention a few, sometimes I count, I mean random things to see if they come out to an even number; and if they dont I think something bad is going to happen. Sometimes I even count letters in a sentence someone says to me or something I say to someone else or in my head, fucked up huh? And when I go to someones house and use the bathroom if the toilet paper is coming from the back of the roller instead of the front I have to change it cause it drives me fucking crazy! I smell everything, bad habit, horrible habit! Im all about the good smells! I love Glade plug-ins! Candles and anything that smells good. I love clean things, I hate dirt, it makes me feel wierd. Although I love to get muddy goin 4-wheelin and shit, and doin other things in the mud is good times too. Everything has a place, and that where the fuck it should go. So keep it there. I pretty much hate chics, their bitches and sluts who will fuck your boyfriends, the only chics I like are the ones I want to sleep with or the few random ones I find that are a lil like me. Meaning not horribly girly, not stuck up, and dont talk about people constantly, ok so mostly the chics that are hot but also chics that are like one of the guys ya know? Im very outspoken, I say what I think a lil too much, and I tend to hurt peoples feelings, but I really dont give a fuck, Im not a bitch but I will tell ya the truth. People need to hear the truth no matter how bad it can hurt. I hate liars so I am not one and I expect people to do the same for me by tellin me the truth. I wear alot of black, but I also love pink and green. I love stars, I love looking at them and laying under them. I can have the worst day ever and when night falls I walk outside and look up at the stars and everything seems ok again. They're enchanting, they can fix you. I like to try to fix people too, but I have found it doesnt work I only try to fix others because Im the one that is broken and needs put back together. Note to self: You cant fix anyone but yourself. Sometimes I feel as if Im losing my person, sometimes I dont remember who I am, like Im fading away, that is like the most terrifying feeling. Note to self: Who are you? So theres a lil about me, theres much more if you wanna know ask. But Im tired of thinking, I need to go expand my soul. So putting that all aside all I want out of life is to be loved, you know that kind of love that makes your stomach jump and the kind you think about before you go to sleep and right when you open your eyes in the morning? Im not sure if it even exists anymore. Ive felt like that but I never got that feeling put towards me, you know. I might have heard that from someone but I never got shown. Anyways fuck it right? So back to the person I dont even know anymore, the person I lost... Me.

My Interests

Writing in my journal, writing poetry, smoking cigarettes and trees, insomnia, stargazing, watching lightening storms, dreaming, sitting alone listening to music and singing at the top of my lungs, crying, laughing, water, LOVE, pearberry, day dreaming, porno, RAIN, saving you, saving me, finding the right someone to love me back. Getting fucked up to feel numb for the moment, LAUGHING, Not knowing whats going to happen next, and FALLING IN LOVE N STAYING IN LOVE.


I'd like to meet:

People who are hopelessly truthful, no matter what, even if the truth hurts. People that make me laugh. People who don't think before they do shit, people that screw up on a regular basis. And well people with imperfections.



Jack Johnson, LIT, KORN, Chevelle, Rob Zombie, Marylin Manson, Poison, Garden State Sdtk, Bobaflex, Bob Marley, Sublime, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, TOOL, Incubus, Crossfade, Oasis, Greenday, Def Tones, OAR, Moe, Janis Joplin, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Smile Empty Soul, Filter, Soundgarden, Wolfmother, Nickelback, Monster Ballads, Hootie and the Blowfish, Candlebox, Radiohead, The Butthole Surfers, Kittie, The Shantee, Bush, Marcy Playground, Prince, Michael Jackson, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Acid Bath, and theres a million more but Im tired of doin this...


I absolutely LOVE PORN! So anything with JENNA HAZE in it, Joe Dirt, Ted Bundy, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Fox and the Hound, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Around the Fire, Drop Dead Fred, Super Troopers, Top Gun, Napoleon Dynamite, SAW 1-4, Spongebob Movie, Open Season, Transporter 1-3, CRANK, Jenna Loves Threesomes, Old School, Orange County, Hostile, KIDS, Stand By Me, Anchorman, and anything with Angelina Jolie in it. Damn, she has a perty mouth! Garden State, Cars, Trainspotting, Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind, Basketball Diaries, Willow, Legend, The Devil's Rejects, House of 1000 Corpses, ELF,Lucky Number Sleven and tons more. Definitly Talladega Nights, Wedding Crahers, Across the Universe, Alpha Dog, Super Bad, Layer Cake, Requium For A Dream, and tons more.


DIRT, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, The Shield, The Riches, Breaking Bad, Criminal Minds, Spongebob, House, October Road, One Tree Hill, and I HATE REALITY TV!! FUCK YOU REALITY TV...FUCK YOU!!!!


Pop-up Books, they surprise me!


Hmm I really cant think of any, maybe the Beatles, Jim Morrison, and my mommy in WV.

My Blog

ISI Powerful blast on Humvee in Mosul This is my brother-in-laws hummer bein blowed up in Iraq by Camel-Jockies!!! WTF They were all ok with some miner injuries!...
Posted by Codie on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 05:12:00 PST

Spiritual Guidance - 26 Principles of Life

..TR> : Spiritual Guidance - 26 Principals of Life1.All Are Related: There is a Native American saying, which translates roughly to "All are Related". Everything in the universe is part of The Great...
Posted by Codie on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 12:06:00 PST

Just A Random Poem: From A Random Guy

some random guy sent me this message and I Loved It!! sorry to bother u im sure you get harassed by ugly guys all the time but i just had to say hello and tell you ur gorgeous.  my death comes i...
Posted by Codie on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:56:00 PST

True Love

True Love is when you shed a tear and still want him. Its when he ignores you and you still love him. Its when he loves another, but you still Smile and say "Im Happy for you". When ALL you really do ...
Posted by Codie on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:41:00 PST


"Life is an incurable disease."  -Abraham Crowley "Real life seems to have no plots."  -Ivy Compton Burnett "Life is a series of little deaths out of which life ALWAYS returns."  -Charl...
Posted by Codie on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 04:54:00 PST

Every Song Reminds Me Of You...

I hate how every song I hear reminds me of you.  It kills me.  I cant get you outta my head and its killing my SOUL...  As I lay here dying the memories burn in my brain like lit cigare...
Posted by Codie on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 02:55:00 PST

It finally felt like HOME!

So I went to the BOBAFLEX concert in Huntington tonight!  I had the most fun Ive had since Ive been pregnant.  I rocked out, saw my boys, and seen a lot of my old peeps finally.  I got ...
Posted by Codie on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:42:00 PST