Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Film and being in front of the Camera...
name: smiley
birthday: 802
righty/lefty: lefty
hair: dark brown
eyes: brown
*ThIs or tHaT*
hugs or kisses: kisses(soft lips only)
looks or personality: shallow answer but looks
love or attraction: attraction whats love?
summer or winter: summer
hobo&happy or rich&ruthless: rich and ruthless
sushi or saki: sushi
biltong or jerky: jerky
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
sweet or sour: sweet
*FiRsT tHoUgHt*
waking up: Thank you God!
checking msg's: Darn wrong person
seeing a cuUtie: damn!
school is out: Finally I can sleep in
when something goes wrong: I need to make this right
when something turns out well: God is always on time
*iF yOu WeRE a ...*
shoe: a slipper but let me explain for all the people with a crazy imagination. A slipper is warm and very comfortable
crayon: yellow
flower: lily
animal: dog
politition: this is totally misspelled
love: unconditional love is like trying to find a needle in a haystack
life: is beautiful
war: pointless
religion: baptist
phrase: you funny
place: home
language: spanish
expression: happy
song: septembo
number: 3
*In a GirL/GuY*
hair: black
eyes: nice
attractive: got to be
personality: humble laid back very nice
danced in a public place: all the time
smiled for no reason: i smile in my sleep cuz I'm so happy
ridden a merry-go-round: lol yea
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ansitionStyle=b&showCaptions=1" /
Baby boy, Bullet Proof,The Color Purple,Two can play at that Game,The Notebook,Hitch,Set It Off,Pandora's Box,Training Day Titanic, ...
Anything on MTV...
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts Pastor Jamal Bryant - Mr. RightPastor Jamal Bryant - Mr. RightI often warn women who are contemplating marriage to marry someone who
can take care of them. When a woman marries, it ought to be to someone
who is capable of taking her to the next level.If she comes from poverty, there is no reason for her to get married
and still be impoverished.The role of the man is to take her to another place. When she gets
married, she ought to dress better, drive better, live better, and
eat better, not constantly be in a struggle over where her next meal is
coming from.My grandmother used to say, "I can do bad all by myself"For a woman desiring a mate, the objective, of course, would be to find
a Christian man, who's settled, has goals, accomplishments and a job.
But a goal-oriented and focused man can't just be approached any kind
of way.
So the woman who seeks this type of stability must make sure that he
stands out above the crowd:1. Make sure your relationship with the Lord is strong and growing.2. Make sure that you are presentable . Working from the inside
out,your presentation should be representative of both who you are and
whom you seek. Appearance is a reflection of how you see yourself.3. Have the ability to hold an intelligent conversation.4. And most importantly, allow the Holy Spirit to take control. You
don't need to go after him. He's going to come after you, because after
he sees and smells you and knows that you're in his presence, he's
going to want to know who you are!I know there's somebody reading this who has been chasing after the
"man of your dreams," but God says, "Just sit still and allow patience to
have her perfect work through Me." Furthermore, it's never a good idea
to be too forward and too aggressive. Attempting to win a man's
affection by jumping into bed with him will only backfire and cause him
to lose interest in ever developing a lasting relationship. It causes
him to lose respect for you and question your character.However, if he sees that you are dressed with quality, that you smell
like you are somebody, that you look like you're doing fine without
him, then that will attract the right attention from him. He'll have no
choice but to give you his attention.Stop looking so needy, climbing into bed, trying in vain to capture a
man's heart. God woke me up in the middle of the night and said, "The
same thing that Naomi told Ruth to do is the same thing that I want
them to do for me."God is so sick of saints coming to Him trying to get a quickie and
never romancing Him for Who he is - going to church screaming, shouting and
hollering, but hadn't been intimate with God all week long! Stop
trying to treat God like a sugar daddy and start romancing Him with worship
and praise: "I'm yours Lord...everything I've got...everything I'm not!"The God we serve, which is the God of love, demands and requires of us
Foreplay before He gives us what we need. In the book of Ruth, the
mother-in-law tells Ruth, "You have to wash." John 15:3 reminds us, Now
ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. When you
sit in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are taking a shower. When you
hear the Unadulterated Word of God, then the dirt and grime that you've
accumulated all week long begins to wash off of you. Ask God to "create
in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit."
Stand in the word. Then wait upon the Lord to renew your strength.
Pass this on to those who have found or seeking Mr. Right.
My Heaven and Earthly Parents'..