I really enjoy movies, (romantic comedies, and action flicks) I also like to paint pottery, workout as well. Lately I have been dabbling in producing and editing commericials, I find that really intriguing. Lastly, when I want to relax I read books on various subjects. Currently I am in the process of writing two books of my own. Pray for me, my desire is to be a bestselling author. I am also writing a play that I would love nothing more than to see it on stage by spring 2009. I have so many interests.
Umm, well I am always interested in meeting people who are positive, self motivated and simply has a zest for life!
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Don't have much time for tv these days, however when I do I would prob say I like anything with action, lots of good fight sequences, I know, I know, don't ask...
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Jesus Christ and My Dad!