Architecture, words, the architecture of words, food, socialism, the subconcious, the interconnectedness of all matter, healing thoughts, figuring out the meaning of intention, dissolving right and wrong categories and practicing being open to all ideas even when I want to yell at them.
My great-grandchildren
Lately: Nick Cave, Wilco, Sea and Cake, Gillian Welch, Beth Gibbons, Mendelssohn (songs and duets), and the Beatles.
Classic Favorites: Rushmore, Annie Hall and most Woody Allen, Raising Arizona, Waiting for Guffman, L.A. Story, The Jerk, Big, Back to the Future, Pooty Tang, Metropolitan, Kicking and Screaming (early 90's), Wings of Desire, Run Lola Run, 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita, La Strada, All About My Mother, Live Flesh, 400 Blows, Fireworks, Sonatine, Zatouichi, Strictly Ballroom, Metroland, most Hitchcock (Frenzy is an especially off-the-wall fav), Sunset Blvd., Singin' in the Rain, Night of the Hunter, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Magnolia...too many to go on.
Finished Star Trek, bought all 3 seasons for Chris and have moved on to Buffy...I never would have thought, but I am so addicted.
Right now: "Paradise" by A.L. Kennedy and "Death of a Salesman"
My momma