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Hi friend! My name is Meloy P. York. What's yours?

About Me

I am so glad that you have stopped by to read my profile. Please, make yourself comfortable, get yourself a drink--tea perhaps or a mixed alcoholic beverage? But, if I may be so bold, I can allow no smoking. It is an abominable habit. Besides, I could never forgive myself if little Olivia was overcome by a noxious fume. I've never had such a delightful parakeet before. You should hear her light up when Mother drops in. No man-made instrument can match the divine resonance of one of god's feathered creations.Oh, please forgive me. This introduction is supposed to be "about me" is it not? There will be plenty of time to talk about Olivia and Mother later. If you are lucky, you will get to meet them both someday.Where do I begin? It is difficult, for I am but a simple man attempting to please his dear mother. Bless her soul, but she naively thinks that my health would improve if I "participated" in activities of a social nature. Can you imagine, a 98 year young sweet elderly woman encouraging her 50 year old son to listen to hippity hop and visit the disco on Saturday nights? How can I say no to her? The fact is I can't, ha!Well, I'll do my best to describe myself to you. As you know by now, I am a 50 years young. I stand 170 centimeters tall and am shrinking by the day! I have lost much of my hair over the years, but you'd do well to notice as I have been rather purposeful with the few strands still in my possession. My complexion is truly white as a result of a life spent dodging the malignant rays of the sun. I am not terribly obese, though I am rather soft. I do believe that this body type is ideal as I am unrestrained by bulky muscle tissue and taught sinue. When I walk, I appear to glide like an otherwordly spirit. Ofcourse, my pure white skin compounds the effect. Oh goodness! I suppose I could write all day about my life, but I've not allowed you to place a word in edge wise! Where are my manners! Please....

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Mother would like me to meet a gentlelady with whom I can share quality time. I have told her repeatedly that I have so little time for any extracurricular activities, as I am entireluy dedicated to my work at the button registry. And when I am at home, Olivia requires constant care and attention. If I did meet a kind woman, I would hope that she could appreciate the responsibility inherent in catalouging such a delicate and elegant item as the button, and would understand why I spent so much of my day at the warehouse. Did you know that buttons have been made out of a wide variety of mammalian bone-even human!? Of course, white rhinosoraus ivory remains the most coveted material for button makers.


Blonde Redhead, Starlight Mints, Modest Mouse!, Interpol, the Shins, the Cure, Radio Head, Neutral Milk Hotel!, the Decemberists, Ryan Adams, Death Cab for Cutie, the Postal Service, Noe Venable!, PJ Harvey, Built to Spill, the Pixies, Pearl Jam, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, White Stripes, the Strokes, Tori Amos, Fiery Furnaces!, Coldplay, Counting Crows, Natalie Merchant, the Smiths, REM, Morrisey, NIN, Joy Division, 10,000 Maniacs, the Cranberries, TV on the Radio, Beck, Franz Ferdinand, Fiona Apple, New Order, Belle and Sebastian!, Pinback, Sparklehorse, Iron and Wine,


Being John Malcovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, Adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Amalie, The Dark Crystal, the Wizard of Oz, Rob Roy, The Truman Show, Anne of Green Gables, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Hero, all Monty Python, This is Spinal Tap, Sling Blade, the Goonies, the Grapes of Wrath, Silence of the Lamb, Hannibal, Chasing Amy, the Never Ending Story, A Very Long Engagment, XMEN, Closer,TRON, A Beautiful Mind, Its a Beautiful Life, Office Space, Buffalo Sixty Six...


The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Trigger Happy TV, Seinfeld, Reno 911, Charlie Rose, Southpark, BBC News, Antique Road Show, Star Trek the Next Generation, MXC Extreme Challenge, National Geographic Explorer, Nova, McGiver, shows about crazy weather--tornados, hurricanes, winter storms


The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 1984. The Age of Reason. Survivor. Fight Club. Diary. Wishsong of Shannara. The Stand. Ralph Waldo Emerson, essays and poems. The Book of Mormon (kidding).... But really, I primarily read non-fiction. I have several old books on religious belief, freedom, happiness, and spinoff philosophical topics... My interests involve trying to find any-any at all-logical explanation for faith and religious belief...I love to read/critique authors on both sides of the topic.


no heroes, but folks I really like: Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, Martin Luther King jr., Van Gogh, Plato, Leonardo de Vinci, Emerson, Walt Whitman, John Stewart, Doug Marsch (Built to Spill), Isaac Brock (Modest Mouse), Michael Stipe, PJ Harvey, Noe Venable, Colin Meloy (Decemberists), Morrisey, Robert Smith, George Hincapie, ...?

My Blog

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if you want to make a positive impact; specifically, by helping me reveal the illogical constructs of religion/religious belief as well as explore the real foundations of morality, come to my blog htt...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:46:00 PST

new blog

I'm pretty flattered you're curious-or bored-enough to take a peak at my blog.  Cause, you know, its a big risk allowing a little of your life to tic away reading something that's not guaranteed ...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:39:00 PST