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Tell Me...
What was the reason that you broke up with your last bf/gf?: Puppy love
What are 5 of your worst qualities?: none
What is the meanest thing you've ever said/done to someone?: Saying that i hated them
Did he/she deserve it?: yea, obviously
Have you ever been attracted to a member of the same sex?: hell no
Have you ever broken someone's heart?: yea
Have you ever tasted your own ejaculation just to see how it would taste?: hell no
Would you?: hell no
If you could erase one event from your life, which would it be?: This boy
What's the first thing you look at when looking in the mirror?: My face making sure its pimple free
Would you ever put a naked picture of yourself on the internet?: hell no
What is/are your most hated body part/parts on the opposite sex?: Feet
What is one thing you want, but think you'll never have?: A big ass house
What's your deepest fear?: God
Playing Nice With Others....
What do you think it means when someone consistent tells you they are busy?: THey dont want 2 be bothered wit my ass
Are most people honest?: no
What is the stupidest thing you've heard someone say today?: That they thought easter was the day jesus was born
How are you in relationships?: Fair
Can you admit when you're wrong?: yea
What's the stupidest argument you've gotten into?: Too many
How do you think you are viewed upon first impression?: PHAT
Do you feel "whole" when you are single?: yea
What is your biggest insecurity?: dont have any
If you died tomorrow, how do you think you'd be remembered?: pretty,real,funny,cool,trustworthy
Have you ever dated outside of your race?: no
Would you?: depends
What's the most romantic gift you've received?: a ring and a matching necklace
How do you know when you're in love?: you will know when its real and when its not
Thought Provokers...
Does true love exist?: yea
Do ghosts exist?: no
Does everything in life happen for a reason?: o yea
Is there something "wrong" with you?: no
What is your ideal future?: happy
If you could resurrect one person from the dead, who would it be?: my father
What is the lamest pick-up line you've heard so far?: man i dont talk 2 dat girl im tryin 2 talk 2 you(boy please)
What's the best lesson you've learned this year?: never take nothing for granteed
What's your biggest pet peeve?: my iguana
Who most confuses you?: my boyfriend
Who most excites you?: my boyfriend
Who could you love forever?: my mother,brothers,and my father
Who last broke your heart?: my father when he passed
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Sex Preference
Top or Bottom Bottom
Morning or Night Night
Lights on or off Off
Touching or kissing Touching
Giver or Reciever Reciever
Nice & slow or Rough & fast Nice & Slow
Bitting or Kissing Kissing
Scratching or tickling Scratching
Grabbing or caressing Caressing
loud or quite Loud
Drunk or Sober Sober
Outside or Inside Inside
Standing up or laying down Laying down
Pain or Pleasure Pleasure
A Break or straight Straight
Under or on top of the covers On top
Clothes on or off Off
Good or Bad
Foreplay Good
Whipped Cream Good
Fudge Good
One night stand Bad
Booty calls Bad
pillow bitting Good
Long toe nails Bad
Sex toys Bad
Ashy elbows Bad
Soft Skin Good
Music Good
First Name: Ashley
Middle Name: m
Birthday: 5/25/88
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Sunrise
Fav color: Hot Pink
Day/Night: Night
Fave Food: Pizza
do you ever wish you had another name? Nope
Do you like anyone? Yep my Baby
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Alethea
Who's the loudest? Paris
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Paris
Who's the shyest: Tisha
Are you close to any family members? Too many
When you cried the most: When my father died
What's the best feeling in the world: Knowing someone loves you
Worst Feeling: Knowing someone is lying
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's run through: rain
Let's look at the: Sunset
What a nice: Evening
Where did all the: time go
Why can't you: tell me
Silly, little: boy
Tell me: u love me
Ran away from home: Nope
Pictured your crush naked: I got him
Skipped school: Yep
Broken someone's heart: Yep
Been in love:
Cried when someone died: Hell yea
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yea
Done something embarrassing: Yea
Done a drug: Haha!!!!!
Cried in school: Yep
Your Good Luck Charm: My Husband
Person You Hate Most: I'll leave that one alone
Best Thing That Has Happened: Getting a ring from my baby
Ice Cream: Strawberry/Cookies n cream
WHO Makes you laugh the most: My brother and my husband
Makes you smile: My husband
Has A Crush On You: My husband
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: My husband
Fallen for your best friend?: Yea
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Kissed two people in the same day?: my mother and my baby
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: . no
Been in love?: I am
Been used?: yea probably
Done something you regret?: yep
Cheated on someone?: yea
Been called a tease: yep
You touched?: My mother
You talked to on the phone?: My husband
You hugged?: My brother
You instant messaged?: Alethea
You kissed?: My brother
You yelled at?: MyHusband of course
Who text messaged you?: Alethea
Who broke your heart?: My father R.I.P
Who told you they loved you?: My husband