TISCH. profile picture


ITs YouR bIRthdaY MOnth fraNKIe aYe caPItOl HEigHts We GoN Roc 4 liL FRAnkI3!!!!

About Me

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too! yEAh At TimES DeS juS How I FeEL..WheN YOu LiKE SoMEOnE And GRow INTo LOvING TheM..THiNKINg EvERYTHiN is OKAy BUT iTs Not...yeAH Our TiMES wHErE SliGht... I know you've got a little life in you left, I know you've got a lotta strength left, I should be hopin' but I can't stop thinkin', All the things we should've said that are never said, All the things we should've done that we never did,,,,, jUS DonT KNo How I CAn DoO FOr A peRSon And TheY STiLL HurT YouR FeeLInGS..i KNo THis ShyT I tHOughT We HAd WAs FAsT And FuNNy...LikE if yOU GOIN Do YoU TheN Go HEaD...Jus DoNT HAve ME sITTinG WAitIn.HAvE me LookIN DUMb...or Jus TEllEM..At TImES I reALlY DoNT KnO WAt To BEliEvE or THinK WheN I WAnna AsK YoU I GeT StUCk...iM DoNT KnO WAt To SAy But Jus REMEBA iM AlwAys GoiN be YoUr FriEND And YEA I mISS u...ha DAmN.. .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

TISCH.LYFE.SCENARIO. Close your eyes and wish for the one thing You cannot do without, and when you do, Near your heart you'll find it, always there, Treasure that is dear but not so rare, Held in the mesh that all your dreams flow through. In truth, no gift more happiness can bring, And so this day I give my love to you.LADY AND BABE A THE REASON TISCH GETS UP EVERY DAY AND DO HER I LUV MY LIL SISTA AND BROVA AND I WILL NEVA EXCHANGE THEM NOR ASK FOR A REPLACEMENT.THE REASON I SMILE. THE REASON I CRY. MY MOTIVATION. ~DANEYA~KANYJAH~ I ONLY HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR STINKEE AND TOOTSIE. THE REASON I BREATHE. MY LIFE.FRANK NEEDLES 00 SO ITS FRANK MAN THE PERSON WE MISS A WHOLE LOT. A BIG BROVA TO LADY. SHE MISS U AND IT HURT SO BAD. CHERISHED MEMORIES. LAURYN HUNNIE MY BLACK OVA HALF SISTA. MY TWIN..LOL. WHO I WILL MEET SOME DAY. MY IDOL. And I swear to everything, when I leave this earth It's gon' be on both feet, never knees in this dirt And you can try me, but when I squeeze it hurt Ahh, Gimme any amount of time, don't grieveITS LIFE

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My Blog

GEt OVeR...ResT iN pEacE My NigGAs

....WHERE YOU GO I MISS U SO..... Stay strong, be tough, that's what the preacher tell ya He never really felt ya, so he can't even help ya Need a shoulder to lean on, somebody to cry to It's like eve...
Posted by MY MAn PAc Is baCk{sTamP daT}hOw u gOIn acT nIGgA on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 03:43:00 PST

{AyE} CapitOL HeightS b SAfe

i am tired of fuckin funerals...everytime i seee my friends is at a funeral like its some reunion or a getTogether... Rest I n Peace Lil Mike & Domo 41 shyt Lil E & Frankie uptop 47th shy...
Posted by MY MAn PAc Is baCk{sTamP daT}hOw u gOIn acT nIGgA on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 11:48:00 PST

I gu3sS thEir wIlL nev3r b A m3 and You

Am Im dREaminG There's a thousand words that I could say To make you come back it seems so long ago you walked away and u Left me alone I remember what you said to me You were acting so strange a...
Posted by MY MAn PAc Is baCk{sTamP daT}hOw u gOIn acT nIGgA on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 04:36:00 PST