Mad Dog profile picture

Mad Dog

I am here for Friends

About Me

Contact Box Generated from MyPimpSpace.comWell im the lead guitarist for a band called Delirious Nation
Which one of your friends:
Is the funniest: all
Is the smartest: Jacoby
Is the most blonde: umm well Natasha moved so i dont no but prolly still her
Can you trust with anything: Judd
Is the most athletic: umm me
Has the best smile: well im not gay
Has the best hair: not gay
Can sing the best: Natasha
Whos your best friend of the opposite sex? Shea
Has the most classes with you: its a tie
Is the most daring: Abel
Changes crushes as much as underwear: Josh
Has had the longest relationship: well Josh was on and off for like 6 months
Is the most emotional: not PatRick
Is the richest: Sean
Is the most obsessive: idk
Is the girliest: Craig
Likes cottage cheese: apparently Sean
Has the funniest laugh: PatRick
Knows the most music: all
Has the nicest room: Sean(has the biggest room
Is the most popular: Josh or Jacoby
Is most likely to get married soon: none
Has the most common name: Josh
Has the most uncommon name: Judd
Has the best clothes: not gay
Knows EVERYTHING about you: none yet all and theres not much to know ne ways
Is easiest to talk to: all
Is easiest to be weird around: all

My Interests

Take the quiz:
Which guitar are you

Gibson SG
You are a Gibson SG. Guitar of AC/DC's Angus young who kicks major ass. What else needs to be said?

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


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Ringtone Dancer 5

Man in costume dancing to crazy ringtone in public places


.. width="425" height="350" ..fuck books. reading sucks ass, man.