MUSIC, DANCE, animals, computer games, llamas, chips and queso, CANDY, reading, and squirrels! School and Belles take up most of my time. I like boys too! :0I hate: people who are stuck up, take life too seriously or people ho have talent and throw it away. Weirdly,I don't like people who strongly remind me of me. One me is enough for anyone.
Friends.. I have a fondness for unusual people, they're the most fun. You seem pretty unusual for reading this whole thing- we should hang out.
If you're nice to me I'll be your friend. If you're rude to me I'll quietly dislike you. It's a nice system, if I do say so myself. :)
Your Quirk Factor: 98%
You're beyond quirky... You're downright bizarre.
You've lost touch with social norms and what's appropriate. And you're loving every minute of it!
How Quirky Are You?
I love music with a quiet fiery passion. Just about all types. I will listen to some country, because that's what my my ex-boyfriend listened to, and it kind of stuck. I'm not that into rap but it's fun to dance to at least. I really like rock. Classic, punk, emo, and that good old head banging stuff. I'm not gonna list all my favorite bands, cause I don't think anyone reads that. I love music to the point where it's almost sad. I'll listen to everything. I normally love... eh... just about everything that is loud/has drums. But I'll listen to everything.And I really do mean everything. But I like rock the best. because it rocks. haha... I'm a dork... :)
Emily --
Smells like teen spirit
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I don't have a particular favorite movie. Scary movies are my absolute favorites and I like violent action movies too. Blood and guts just make a movie good. (only in movies though, I don't even kill bugs) I like Monty Python, and Step Up!is the best dance movie ever.. Those are probably my non-scary favorites. Oh..and this little movie thing. It scared the crap out of me! You have to turn the profile song off to hear it.
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I don't watch TV much, but when I do it's usually Adult Swim, or Comedy Central or some scary movie.
I read everything, but I'm not one of those people who trips in the hallway because they have their nose in a book. I'm secretly a geek inside. Ok, not so secretly. I'm a geek.
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Kurt Cobain, just because he is the idol of hotness. If you don't know who he is, I may have to kill you. Or at least attack you with marshmallows. Really, probably the person who invented sticky notes. We all use them, but the inventor still goes unnamed. alas...