hello. i'm not a band, a designer and not trying to impose myself on you in any way. i'm into poetry and perform around london sometimes for money, always for fun but am not trying to sell that to you, just paint a picture of what i'm about. my blog'll mostly be poems and clips of this n that.if youre gonna listen or watch the clips, you might want to read the blog about it first.
There will be a list of up and coming dates of when and where I will be performing but this is only because I can't be arsed to keep emailing people who want to see me.
I believe:
Most song lyrics that are said to be poetry aren't poetry
Nicole Kidman is attractive
Being working class is underrated
Celebrity is bullshit
While I'm here I reckon I might as well meet a few new people. My friendship circle is not reserved for only those who agree with the statements above.
if you struggle to believe in a god of love while heat magazine exists and people like graham norton are found funny we should probably get our friendship on.Should you wish to join my friends, you will probably receive the odd, sporadic poem, for you to read, not read, comment on, not comment on,delete, do with as you wish(no skin off of my nose or yours).
oh and i used to be a superhero(check my pics for proof) oh and one more thing, im a prophet, like people said william blake was, to read my prophesy to any man going out in leicester square at the weekend, read my failed worship of bacchus blogwayne x