"I'LL PeRsiSt UnTiL I SuCceED FoR I'm A NaTuRe GReAtEsT MiRaCLe!!!"
i'M nOt GoOd aT GivINg Up!I'm dYiNg tO gEt aLL oF tHiS!!!
~ MP3 VL-54 ~ CASIO Exilim EX-P600 ~ NOKIA 6230 ~ SWATCH YG400GX "hepiJOEblue" ~ KERIS luk9 ~
formula 1, bowling, reading, martial art, typing, writing, listening, watching, click mouse, memorize dictionary...iskiskisk, computer, holy quran, army, survivor, scorpene, superhornet, aerospace, aeronautik, robotik,... many aaa...
EVeRyOne iN tHiS WoRLd...u r my FriEnDs... this call NETWORKING eNeRGy...YeAH..!!