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About Me

Well I live here in the North East ** Connecticut to be Exact **I do Ebay presently as a business, and have been doing so since March 15, 2000. I once worked 2 other jobs while doing this....I used to have a physical store location but not since 2003. I sell all kinds of dolls toys collectibles and so much more! How Do I Live
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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: mariam f donerian
Birthday:: april 3, 1956
Birthplace:: woonsocket rhode island
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: brown
Height:: 5'2"
Weight:: 140
Right handed or Left handed?: left handed
Your Heritage:: armenian and french
My Worst Habit:: tend to over worry about things
Zodiac Sign:: aries
Shoe Size:: 7 medium
Pants Size:: 10
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: yes they were
The Shoes You Wore Today:: keds sneakers
Your Weakness:: get mad at myself at times
Your Fears:: getting older and not achieving more
Your Perfect Pizza:: veggie pizza red peppers onions mushrooms etc
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: to do better on ebay & grow more
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: don't instant message that much.
Thoughts First Waking Up:: a little less conversation , a little more action!
Your Best Physical Feature:: my smile
Your Bedtime:: about midnight
Your Most Missed Memory:: my lost youth?
Favorite color?: navy blue
Food?: tuna fish
Sport?: swimming or skating
Animal?: cat
Ice Cream?: vanilla or chocolate or strawberry or fudge ripple
Candy?: remember those flying saucers or candy ice cream cones? penny candy!
Store?: Salvation Army/ Goodwill/ Target/
Salad Dressing?: caesar/italian/ balsamic (paul Newman's)
Actor?: John Barrymore/ Elvis Presley (yes elvis!) Jack Nicholson!
Song?: Elvis Presleys "Edge of Reality"
Letter?: M
Number?: 7
Gum?: dubble bubble
Holiday?: christmas
Season?: spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: peppermint
Radio Station?: WDRC an oldies station they play lots of motown
Perfume?: Cool Water or Jo Malone fragrances
Scent besides perfume?: cinnamon or vanilla
Body part on the opposite sex?: eyes~they are the window to the soul
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: someone who can take care of herself
How Do You Want To Die?: yikes!
Turn ons:: generous caring people
Turn offs:: self absorbed people
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Lee
Who's The Loudest?: probably me
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: The Golden Girls
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Petty Ann
Who's The Shyist?: Petty Ann
When Have You Cried The Most?: when my father died
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: accomplishment of anything that matters to you.
Worst Feeling?: losing loved ones
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: maybe Fort Lauderdale?
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: to be more confident and just do it (sorry nike)
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: yikes! just keep eating your vegetables!
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: sunset or sky
What a nice: day
Where did all the: vacant land go?
Why can't we: keep to the dreams of our youth?
Silly, little: fun stuff!
Isn't it weird that: time goes by so fast?
Never under any circumstance: do i want to land in jail!
I wish: we could keep our youth within us forever
Everyone has a: past/ present & future
I am: always hoping for the best!
Been In Love?: no
Been To Juvie?: no thank goodness!
Mooned Someone?: no
Been Rejected?: what else is new?
Ran Away From Home?: no maybe i should!
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: you betcha!
Skipped School?: yes in college, i am ashamed. one time.
Thought About Suicide?: no
Slept Outside?: yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yes
Cried In School?: no i don't think so.
Thrown Up In School?: in grade school I had whooping cough.
Wanted To Be a Model?: yes in my teens.
Cheated On Someone?: never!
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: sure
Seen A Dead Body?: yes unfortunately
Been Bitched Out?: probably so
Drank Alcohol?: yes i like red wine!
Smoked?: no never
Been On Drugs?: no never
Eaten Sushi?: no never
Been On Stage?: yes high school and college
Gone Skinny Dipping?: no
Shoplifted?: no
Been Drunk?: no
Been Called A Tease?: no
Been Beaten Up?: no
Swear?: sometimes when i get mad.
Sing Well?: yes i love to sing.
Shower Daily?: no
Want To Go To College?: i did
Want To Get Married?: well not too sure now.
Believe In Yourself?: yes
Get Motion Sickness?: once
Think You Are Attractive?: yes
Get Along With Your Parents?: yes
Like Thunderstorms?: yes
Play An Instrument?: no
Own An IPOD?: no
Pray?: yes
Go To Church?: no
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: no
Keep A Journal/Diary?: used to
Dance In The Rain?: not lately
Sing In The Shower?: not lately
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King?: actually Wendy's
Single or Group Dates?: single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: veggies
TV or Movie?: movie
Guitar or Drums?: guitar
Adidas or Nike?: nike
Chinese or Mexican?: mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: corn flakes
Cake or Pie?: pie
MTV or VH1?: VH1
Blind or Deaf?: both are so important
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: yes used to.
Write With Both Hands?: yes when i was 4 or 5
Whistle?: yes a little
Blow A Bubble?: yes at a wedding last week.
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yes
Cross Your Eyes?: yes but not good for you
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: no
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: no
Dance?: yes just last week.
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: well not anymore!
You Touched:: Corrine
You Talked To On The Phone:: Lee
You Instant Messaged:: Debra
You Hugged:: Lisa
You Yelled At:: take a number!
You Played A Sport With:: manny
Time You Laughed?: yesterday
Time You Cried?: a year ago
Movie You Watched?: Live a Little Love a Little
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: haven't chewed gum in a while
Joke You Told?: made up a joke about Target's lingerie dept. All those thongs and push-up bras. Do they think i'm a stripper?
Song You've Sung?: A little less conversation, A little more action
Where Are You?: at home in front of this computer
What Can You See Out Your Window?: a meadow
Are You Listening To Music?: yes
What Are You Wearing?: t'shirt and slacks sneakers
What's On Your Mousepad?: a sea shell
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yes why not?
Do you believe in miracles?: yes i do
Magic?: yes somewhat
Love at first sight?: hope so
God?: yes
Satan?: not really
Ghosts?: yes
Santa?: no
Evolution?: yes
Fav Eye Color:: blue
Fav Hair Color:: sandy
Short or Long Hair:: longish
Height:: 6'
Weight:: 175-200
Best Clothing Style:: casual
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: France or Egypt
Number Of CD's I Own:: oh gee quite a few
Your Good Luck Charm:: Baby Barbie
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 1
Do you drink milk?: not really
Person You Hate Most:: don't really hate anyone.
Most Outdated Phrase:: "supportive"
Do you think God has a gender?: we have been influenced that he is more male than female
Where do you think we go when we die?: hopefully our souls do get back together with our loved ones
How many rings until you answer the phone?: several
What is something scientists need to invent?: scientists don't need to invent as much as people need to re-think attitudes toward things.
Are you a health freak?: well i believe in being healthy
Are you a virgin?: oh for the days...
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: to the moon alice, to the moon!
What is the worst weather?: snow and ice
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yes i still have my francie doll!
How many grades have you failed?: none
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My Interests

The Ocean (Watch Hill Rhode Island) love to watch Figure Skating, used to do some also... enjoy older movies & older Television shows (thank god for DVD) also i like photography!

I'd like to meet:

All sorts of folks to talk to! That is how friendships are formed! We don't plan them.. they happen!


I presently listen to an oldies station in the Hartford CT area called WDRC 102.9 FM. I have a good size collection of CDs, but haven't played them in a long time. I loved the 70's music in the 1970's and alot of it still holds up today!


1.) Midnight Cowboy, 2.) Diary of a Mad Housewife, love Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Joan was a gorgeous flapper actress in the 1920's. Her beauty is way overshadowed by what later generations saw her as..of a more mature woman. I also love Patty McCormack..the darling of the BAD SEED!! Also wish to add Psych-Out (film with Jack Nicholson about the Haight Ashbury era) Easy Rider, Five Easy Pieces, Valley of the Dolls, a film called "Sam's Song" with a young Robert DeNiro, and i love a movie from the early 1960's called "Wild Guitar" starring Arch Hall Jr. Plus the Gidget movies, they are great! I also absolutely love Elvis Presley movies. A great one is "Live a Little, Love a Little".


I love" The OC",(too bad it's left the airwaves) love "Prison Break"! Also "Skating with Celebrities" was good. American Idol, is okay too. ".So You Think You Can Dance" also good. No I don't have cable attached to my TV. Because if i did I would never get any work done!!! I also like the DVD sets in Seasons.. 1.) like the Mary Tyler Moore Show 2.) The Munsters 3.) That Girl 4.) Gidget with Sally Field 5.) Mama's Family 6.) What's Happening! 7.) This is Your Life 8.) Gilligan's Island 9.) Laugh-In 10) Night Gallery 11) The Golden Girls


I do read, and I enjoy biographies and auto-biographies about people. Right now I am in the middle of reading about Irving Thalberg. I also recently finished the Hard Cover book about Saturday Night Live by Tom Shales. That was good too!!


Martin Luther King Jr. I have admired him since I was a child! I was the only person in my 6th grade Social Studies class, in April of 1968, who stuck up for him after he was asassinated. (sorry for the spelling at the moment) Everyone turned around and booed me when i said he was so great! And this is no lie! My social studies teacher, a woman, made a wry smile on her face when this happened.She was somewhat amused as she began to speak. I just can't remember exactly what she said after all those guffaws. But she tried to be "democratic" about it. As a teacher, she could not come off as for or against. But i really got no assurance from her answer. This lady's name will have to remain off this page, but i do know her complete name. I remember this all so well, and can play it in my mind like it was yesterday...I can't make this stuff up...

My Blog

From Wonder World~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~Out of Wonder World I think you come For in your eyes the wonder comes with you The stars are the windows of Heaven And sometimes I think you peep through Oh, little girl, tell us do the Flowers ...
Posted by Mariam on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 01:34:00 PST

Finally Updated my "MySpace" account

Having some free time today, i was able to take some time and update this myspace page of mine. i always admired all those who can do this. i wondered how people put music on their site, or have ...
Posted by Mariam on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 03:34:00 PST


Don't Quit (author unknown) When things go wrong , as they sometimes will When the road you're trudging seems all uphill When the funds are low, and the debts are high And you want to smile, but you h...
Posted by Mariam on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:23:00 PST