My Life was real boring without you.
"Christianity has been so abused, Its a wonder we're still standing."
Things that Interest me: sitting next to peggy, playing tag , looking at the stars, ice-blocking down steep hills of grass, smelling flowers and praying my alergies don't act up, sitting in the second row at the dollar theater, walking around in large cities, Italy, walking in the rain, walking through the mall, taking the bus, riding my bicycle all around azusa, going to the air force academy and walking in places where it is probably illegal, driving my car by myself so I can listen to whatever I want, looking around in thrift stores, getting rid of things I don't need.
someone completely different from me.
lots of different indie stuff. and mewithoutYou.
Memento and others.. Here is one I shot.
Freaks and Geeks, The Office, The Wonder Years, The Simpsons
Catcher in the Rye.