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bluR..*verdEna..grAham coxOn*..aFterhourS...bLoc Party*.arCadE fiRe..fRanz fErdInand..OaSis*.ArCtic moNkeYs..sYd BaRreTt*..bRmC..lEd zepPeliN.*moTorpsYchO..*ThE hoRrorS..mUsE*..baByShamBleS.. beAtleS..thE kiNkS..the doOrS*..QueEn..lIberTinEs*..*nIck dRakE..whItE strIpeS..queENs oF tHe StoNe agE..niRvaNa..tHe cazAls..kAiser chIefS...maXImO paRk..sEx pIstoLs..the cUrE...thE vInES*..the hiVEs..dePecHe mOde*..jOy diviSiOn..the cLiEnt..siGur ros*..dirtY prEtTy thIngS...rAdIoHead*..RacOnteUrs..the vErVe*.the klaxonS.. wHiTe rOse MoVemEnt..velVet unDeRgroUnd*..elLioTt sMitH*.wE ArE scIEntIstS..*intErpOl..the cLaSh*.eDitoRs..the fRatelLis*..bElleAnDseBasTiaN...thE jAm.. *InteRnAtIoNaL nOisE cOnspiRanCy..the StroKes..smashIng PuMpkins..*the blUe vAn..and sO oN....* tHe bEsT gIg i'vE eVEr sEen: MUSE @ aRenA dI vEroNa 16/07/07* tHe CoRaL @tRaFFiC FestIvAl 13/07/07* LaSt gIg: vErDeNa @ CirCoLO MagNoLiA 23-06-07* vErdEnA @ LazZarEtTo beRGaMo 01-07-07
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*"and if I could swim, then I'd get out and find my boat, SAIL AWAY TO MY FAVOURITE COAST, and let you all in"***
people who think with their own mind, noise-rock'n'roll- crazy genius guitarists***