anything and everything that will encourage my daughter to be strong, intelligent, compassionate, responsible, respectable... all things that are good. NATURE'S FIRST GREEN IS GOLD- HER HARDEST HUE TO HOLD- HER EARLY LEAF'S A FLOWER- BUT ONLY SO AN HOUR- THEN LEAVES SUBSIDE TO LEAF- AND EDEN SANK TO GRIEF- SO DAWN GOES DOWN TODAY- NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY-
I would like to meet my extended family."Dear Lord" I heard a cowboy say- "We thank you for this time- and for the chance to praise your name- and speak our hearts and mind-To some a cowboy may seem rough- and not what folks might say- would be the type of character- to ever stop and pray-But Lord you know the hearts of men- and you know that ain't true- no man could live the life we live- and not believe in you-Perhaps it takes a cowboy Lord- who lives close to the land- to see the handiwork of God- and understand his plan-Our work is neverending seems- and sometimes we forget- and sometimes we might slip a tad- or wander off a bit-But given time we will return- on such a day as now- and raise our voice in thankfulness- beneath these oaken boughs."-And so we come in praise of thee our Father's will be done and ask your blessings as we go God keep us ev'ry one
I love all kinds of music, but I keep my radio on a 90's alternative/pop rock station.
the notebook, cinderella man and chicken little
real time with bill maher, joel osteen and america's next top model
half asleep in frog pajamas, angela's ashes and the da vinci code