Trying to make a film, wait making films, well let's see not really films but like music videos, ohh shit you know what I mean...
hip hop underground
break beats
Inteligent conversations with stupid robots
Lets see, any one interesting and enjoys cussing.
Shit. Damn. Mutha Fucker. Fuck. Hell. Biaaachh. The standard bitch. Ok thats enough of the lesson in cursive.
HA! Later...
Hip Hop junkie and what ever else tickles my fancy... Yeah Imma bring that shit back... No not really...
My Stoner Pick of the 90's .
"Half Baked" starring Dave Chapelle (Bitch you kno what i want, I wanna talk to SAMPSON!) w/ Jim Breuer (Yeaaaah Funions!) and that other guy that in that Rocket movie ummm (Evil jungle of love!) with that one fool (I'm not Mexican, I'm Cuban B! ahh yes Cuban B!)
The Stoner Pick of the 70's
Up in Smoke, basically any of the Cheech and Chong Movies (HEY DOUBLE BUBBLE, wait YOUR NOT A CHICK!)
Any of the Blind Swordsman flicks (Master Ichi) is basically a masuer that's blind and the Japans most deadliest semi Samurai/Yakuza dude of his time... I think thats the details
BRUCE LEE MOVIES ARE THE ULTIMATE KUNG FU EXPERIENCE (WATAH)It's like a finger pointing to the moon (slaps head) don't look at the finger or you'll miss all the heavenly glory"
Damn to many to think of. I feel my brain is full of one liners from flicks. So mind as well make one huh?
Commercials trip me out... use this
use that
it's eat here cuz this will make you fat then it's this will make u skinny
this drug will make you happy but side effects include hair loss, blindness and death
... other then that TV's ok i guess
Dude mainly documentary film making and editing books. Some books on correctly framing film and working with actors. Shit like that, if I had time I'd take a novel or an interesting piece of literature here and there but it's usually straight to either a nudey magazine or a men's type magazine like Stuff a semi nudey magazine... Why have pictures of hot girls then when I can read about a fictional plot or learn how to cure the common cold. Yet I wonder why I'm such a dumb ass...
Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Aquaman... wait real heroes? My parents.