Lacie Marie profile picture

Lacie Marie

There comes a time in your life when you realize that things will never be the same! I have official

About Me

I am, what you would call, delightfully insatiable. I want everything in the world, but only as long as I can earn it. My heart wants a quiet life with a little family in a little town, but my soul yearns for the L.A. life, life in the fast cars, fast people, fast nights. I'm a rocker at heart, but I enjoy being "the girl next door". I guess that's what happens when you are born and raised a country girl and God blesses you with an adventurous spirit! I have become very good at erradicating liars, jerks, and overly self-conscience people from my life. I know I am not entitled to anything from anyone, but I do know that I deserve honesty & respect...if you are good to me and treat me wth well, I will always be there for you, I will be thankful to have you in my life, and I will let you know it! I am a very passionate individual. I can't stand mundane relationships that lack spark...friendship or otherwise. I need to know that someone is as excited about me as I am them! Fair trade off, right? I have lived a very passionate & adventurous life and I'm not ready to stop now! That doesn't mean I have to live in the city to be fulfilled, but I do need some sort of excitement to keep my life moving forward. I rarely talk about my past...the past is just that, the past. Not really important, but if you are able to get close enough to my heart that my walls start to crumble, then congratu-freakin' will probably find out more about me than you ever expected to (not an easy task, it's easier to just not try...seriously). Please don't ever confuse me for the dumb blonde in the pretty car that you see in the movies, I have worked hard to get to where I am today and I am not as stupid as you think and I am probably much stronger than anyone would believe. I know how to do what I need to do to make things do you think I got to where I am today? Luck? Hard work? If you ask me, it's probably a little bit of both. Regardless of the reason, I'm happy as can be and I adore my life. So, rock on, baby! Because you never know when the music will end.

"I wish I were the person
that my dog thinks I am."
"You will do stupid things, do them with enthusiasm."-Colette
"Well behaved women rarely make history."- Marylin Monroe
"One does not become old until regrets start taking the place of dreams."
"Honor the present moment by allowing it to be."
"I've learned one thing, and that's to quit worrying about stupid things. You have how many years to be irresponsible here? Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you will remember time wasted hanging out with friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday night, knowing you have a test on Wednesday. Spend money you don't have and drink until sunrise. The work never ends, but college does." -Tom Petty

My Interests

There's no question aboutthe fact that I love my dog more than anything in this world. When I get bored, I like to look through classified ads. Meeting people/networking, working out, and dancing are some of my favorite hobbies. The best job I have ever had was during the 2005-2006 NBA season, I was a cheerleader for the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets (see details and images in my blog). I am an avid globe trotter. I have been to China, Brazil, and stop Japan! On my list of places I am dying to visit: Australia & Africa. I really just love life, so take that for what it's worth and just roll with it!

I'd like to meet:

Pamela Anderson,
Jenny McCarthy,
Ryan Reynolds,
Robin Williams,
Britney Spears,
Edward Norton,
Margaret Atwood,
My dog as a new born puppy,
Anyone who makes me want to be a better person.


Also on the list The Beatles, Sick Puppies, The Wreckers, Christina Aguilera, Poets & Pornstars, ZZ, Kelly Carkson, CCR, Rob Thomas/Matchbox 20, & Metallica.


I like Finding Nemo, The Island, Wedding Crashers, The Family Stone, Rumor Has It, You've Got Mail, Crash, Memento, Death to Smoochey, and Elf.


Nip/Tuck, House, Forensic Files, CSI: SVU, The Sopranos, Desperate Housewives, Everybody Loves Raymond, The Sopranos, Spongebob Squarepants, & Judging Amy


"How to Heal the Hurt by Hating" by Anita Liberty & "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood.


I have a few select heroes:
Mrs. Hudson-I never realized her silent strength until recently.
Maya Lei (Jenn)-This woman is, sexy, and relentless. She doesn't settle for something that isn't going to satisfy her soul. I respect and admire that.
Ok, it may seem silly but hear me out. My hero is Spongebob Squarepants.
He is loyal, honest, pure, enthusiatic, has great morals, loves his pet, is independant, hard working, adventurous, loves life, and dedicated. Yes, I know he is a cartoon, but I admire the with it!

My Blog

My oral surgery recovery weekend!

You know what? My upper wisdom teeth are out and I am fine. I stopped taking my pain medicine after the first day and it really worried Ryan, but I just had a feeling that I didn't need it. I have jus...
Posted by Lacie Marie on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 07:11:00 PST

My new web-site!

Dennis Santarinala is constructing my modeling web-site! I can't wait :) The welcome page is up and more is on the way. Check it out!
Posted by Lacie Marie on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 06:45:00 PST