WIlderness Woman profile picture

WIlderness Woman

I am here for Friends

About Me

♥ ♥Being a full time student and worker(well, over 25 hrs. weekly) can be pretty stressful! Enjoying criminal justice books and shows as well as exercising brings me joy. Running daily is a great way to improve your lungs, especially if you smoke. Not exactly sure why, but superfluous explains a lot of situations and events in my life when I do not have a goal at hand. Whenever I am on a break from school i feel this way, as if my life is superfluous, though I know that cannot be true. Life is what you make of it, heaven or hell. It is up to YOU home slice.

Ultimate Survey (377 questions long)
time started: 2:44 pm
full name: Jordan Ashley Smith
nickname(s): Joan Befone, Docta Jay, Jordy, "Faggot".
birthday: 11 06 88
where were you born: Naples, Italy
zodiac sign: Scorpio
height: 5 7 or so
weight: 127, or so.
hair color: Uhh... Brown(ish) red(ish)
eye color: Blue/green
shoe size: 9 neegro
ring size: 7 or so
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): Pastey white, heh, not many freckles
blood type: who SINCERELY knows?
grade: College
siblings: Odler Bro... Duke
tattoos: Naturally branded
piercings: My ears have different numbers of piercing
hobbies: Jogging, gym in general, school work, skiing, swimming, whatever is CRACKIN
color: Yellow/Green
food: Chicken, ribs, meat loaf, cheesy potatoes, french toast
candy: Everlasting Gobstoppers/Butterfinger
type of cheese: Mozzarella
pizza topping: Pine apple/ Bacon/ pepperoni
salad dressing: Ranch/blue cheese
sandwich: BLT omgsh!
cereal: Lucky Charms.. Cinn. Toast Crunch is the shit though.. i eat HEALTHY cereal now a days.. BANANA crunch
fruit: Watermelon, oranges, apples, kiwi
vegetable: Broccoli, green beans w/bacon, corn
berry: Straw?
cake: Cheesecake, german Choc., coconut, red velvet, dude i don't care if its a shit cake, ill eat it im sure.
book: A New Morality, Frek & the Elixir
movie: Green Mile, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Crank
magazine: I wanna see my face on the cover of-----------
newspaper: Courier?
tv show: Colbert Report, Robot Chicken
website: y8.com heh
radio station: 107.7 SFR 95.7 QMF
font: shitty handwriting
cartoon character: Ren or Stimpy
artist (painter): Shawn Greer
cd: ANYONE Colleen made me, she's got a monopoly on music up in my crib
song: Santeria!!!
music group: Chilli Peppers, Sublime, Radio Head
music type: Classic Rock
day of the week: Fri thru Sun.
month: July??? I don't care about months DUDE
season: Spring/fall
holiday: Fuck em'!
shampoo: I don't do that, that is for White peoples
conditioner: DUDE!!!! lol
number: 37.. or one thousand nine hundred and seventy two.
phrase: That is simply subjective.
store: Dollar Tree/General
weather: Swelters my balls!!! I like Fall & Spring weather due to the tranquility it brings about in my behavior/mood
restaurant: Mimosa's Cafe!!!
channel: Comedy Central
teacher: WOW I LOVE my Highschool psych. teacher, Mr. Hawes, but i have encountered many teacher that have changed my perspective (Mr. Fout)
weekend activity: Cheebuh---
hangout: MY crib.. fuck yours, i like MINE
house color: Pukey Green
sport to watch: The ones where the guys have tight pants on, i think it is called football, but i never paid attention 2 the name.
sport to play: Tennis/Ping Pong.. KICK BALL!!!
animal: Penguin, DUH!!
flower: White/Pink/Yellow Rose.. Hibiscuss too!!!
guy's name: Ivan Edward
girl's name: Lillith
board game: Guess Who¿
party game: Twister! (the HOT spot)
story from childhood: The story about "Good Touch, and Bad Touch"
have you ever
been on a train: Not 2 my knowledge
been on a plane: yes
been in a car accident: yes
caused a car accident: Supposedly...
run into a wall: all the time
burned a potato chip: not 2 my knowledge
almost burned the house down: uh... KINDA
smoked: yep
been drunk: yep
been high: hehehehe
broken the law: No Shit
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes): Yes
kissed someone of the opposite sex: Yes
kissed someone of the same sex: KINDA
frenched an animal: YES SIR! Maggie was the best kisser. lol
made out: with my dog, Maggie. heh
had cyber sex: When i was like 13 i got caught cybering with a 35 year old! My Bro. caught & told on me .Man, I was a WEIRDO
gotten engaged: I THINK. I recieved the ring, but no proposal, and i gave the ring back becuz it was "SO EXPENSIVE"! I didn't appreciate it enough and didn't want 2 be someone's bitch.
had an online relationship: NO
been rejected by a crush: Is it wrong of me to say no?
loved: I thought so at the time, hein sight... not so sure
made yourself cry to get out of trouble: WOW!!! I was a little bitch if i say yes wasn't i?
cried in public: Very much so try not to EVER
cried over a movie: I have no heart, while my g-pa was crying over titanic i was wonderin what was 4 dinner
fallen asleep in a movie theater: Nopeerz!
given someone a bath: heh... Not really... a shower maybe.
been to a boarding school: FuX no, been threatend with one tho.heh
been home-schooled: Naw nig.
lost a valuable item: Yea
bungee jumped: I would LOVE to
skied: Yea
met the president: nope
met a celebrity: Subjective Term.. Bill Lamb,, i almost shat my panties!
gotten a cavity: 2 many ALL the time.. despite my HARD efforts
shopped at abercrombie & fitch: No.. 2 expensive,, even the clearance section!
made a prank call: Heh..
skipped school: All the time in highschool, not so much now days
faked sick to get out of school: Same as follows ^
purchased something that you knew didn't fit: nope
climbed a tree: Yes!
fallen from a tree: Prolly...
broken a bone: Unfortunately.. like 5 ribs or summin
sprained anything: 2 much of a bad ass to sprain, i had 2 break!
passed out: Blacked out...
made yourself pass out: No
been to disney world: Yep
been to a theme park (not disney): Yep!!!!
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): Not sure... At the time, Yes.
made a model volcano (working model): Nope
made a clover leaf with your tounge: Iunno?!
what did you do yesterday: School, work, SAB.
memory you miss the most: Edward Rodniansky... Nuff said.
memory you want to forget: None, they made me who i am today. I wish i could remember some tho...
something you regretted after it was done: Pciking my friend Eddie up... At times having my seat belt on for 8/29/05
the last
song you heard: Dont u want somebody 2 love?!
cd you bought: Tool.. No wait.. Chilli peppers 4 my dad!
thing you said: What's the term for when u burn a cow so u know it's ur property?!
time you cried: Ian hurt my feelings...hmm.. less than a week ago i believe, B4 that... he hadn't done it in about a month!
movie seen in a theater: Ian and i watched SOME of Atonement.. he wanted 2 watch it!!! It was OK but i don't like romantic chick flix, guess he does!
thing you ate: Ham cheese sammy
person who called: I believe Eric, but i wasn't able 2 answer!
nail polish shade worn: Crusty Crustashin
time you showered: Lets not discuss that.. heh.. Yesterday nig
person who complimented you: Prolly Jesse
at this moment
what are you listening to: Let your love flow, like a Mountain Stream
what are you wearing: Blue shirt/Jeans
what are you thinking: Damn im about 2 leave work!
what are you scared of most: For My Bro's and my relationship 2 become non existent.. other than that.. i ain't neva scurrrred.. well i am scared my friends becoming an alchy
how many people are on your buddy list: Iunno LOOK
occupation: Profiler/SWAT
marriage site: Dont know if family life is 4 me.
honeymoon: IF it happens...Venezuela?! Iunno Ghanna?
place to live: South Dakota, lol. MAYBE but i want warm weather, Houston?!
kids: Fuck em'! I don't think i want any brats... but if i get knocked out and something comes out of my oven, then itll be str8.
car: Could care less
what are you doing tomorrow: Studying/school work.. maybe having a few Dranks.
do you think george bush will be reelected: Well, that IS impossible...
will there be a wwIII: Do i look like Miss Cleo?! I don't value War.
will politics ever be truthful: Only time will tell
will humanity snuff itself out: Subjective Nig.
can the gov. be changed: CAN and WILL are 2 Diff. things
best friend: Robin Lou Smith... My ma'
funniest: Ryan and i laugh pretty hard... but iunno
silliest: Prolly Derek heh...
loudest: Thank gawd this bitch amanda isn't my friend anymore, but her mouth was annoyingly loud.
quietest: Jesse!!!!
craziest: I don't have Black friends, sorry. heh
calmest: Rachel is pretty calm, but she CAN go crazy.. lol HOLLY.. heh..WIlliam is the calmest!!!
skinniest: Awww.. he knows who he is!
best secret keeper: Mom
worst secret keeper: BRYANT or my GMA
the one you have but don't want: uhhhh...
smartest: Ryan, or my mom.
preppiest: Colleen. or IAN..preppy has many meanings tho..
peppiest: Ive got a lot of pessimistic friends now that im pondering about it
most hyper: I am my own best friend...
hottest: My Greatest Weakness... Ian.
weirdest: TOO Subjective.. iunno we are all weird aren't we?!
biggest pervert: HEHEHEH i know a few...
most annyoing: UH.. Bryant... only when his porblems become mine and i am somehow the source of his.. WEIRD
shyest: Bryant/Shawn Greer.
most religious: Ian's phony religous, but he tries.
do you believe in
heaven: Our time right now on earth *as i type* COULD be considered Heavenly, depends on how shits going 4 u
hell: And of course u r living in hell if u r unhappy/unfulfilled.. or being homeless in the snow would suck!
angels: Self Determinism believes in free will, no god/spirit can interact.. so what's the point?
devil: No... that is just silly.
god: Not sure is that what he/she likes to be called.
buddha: -- That could be their name!
aliens: Hell yea!
ghosts: Waverly Hills is calling my name...
spirit (soul): U r, who u r with or without talking to urself in ur head.
soulmates: No sir.
reincarnation: It is a possibility, if that sounds heavenly to you, but it may be hellashice 2 others.
love at first sight: No.. i beleive in @ first sight woodies
karma: No.. bad things can happen 2 gr8 people.
love in general: Love is Real... Real is Love.
luck: Ehhhh.. Kinda
yourself: Duh,, im a live.. and i can fEEEEEEEEEeeeel
who and when was your first crush: in the 3rd grade this dude named Jesse and also another dude in the 3rd grade named Shawn. Now i've got DIFFERENt ones in my life and couldn't be happier!
any now: uhh.. i tell people how it is... to love u is to tell u
a celebrity crush: JTT.. lol 3rd Grade!!! and THEN Elijah Wood.. lol after LOTR i couldn't get enuf!
who do you want to be with right now: I am content with the way things are.
whos number do you want: N/A
who do you want to kiss: N/A
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: I can relate w/the opposite sex so much, i don't understand women.
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: Jarred Letto or sommin like that...
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you: Like NEgative nine.
first thing noticed about the opposite sex: Baby better have back!! lol.. the way they look. DUR
what do you look for personality-wise: Humor, genuine, REAL, are they shy?
biggest turn on: Showing off your whits/smarts and making me laugh... gets me wild everytime!
biggest turn off: When a dude looks in the mirror, or KNOWS he looks good... also Name brand clothing
something thay weat that turns you on: Cologne
something they wear that turns you off: Lol Name brand clothing... SAGGGY pants.. come on dude, pull ur pants up!
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you: iunno,, i like suprises... i can think of a few i don't feel appropriate
the most romantic thing that has happened to you: Choc. Strawberries on my b day.. and some other stufff :)
what do you wear on a coffee date: LOL... Depends if i know im gettin any.
is it right to flirt if you're taken: Is it right 2 wear scandalous clothing?
is cyber cheating: NOOOOO... course not!!! lol... If i am living with them i won't care. Shit, lemme type somethin in!
are eyes the passegeway to the soul: No.. but u can tell when sum1's lying (mostly)
who would you like to take to the prom: Already took my lil RyBo!
do you want to hug somebody right now: Not a huggy person, prefer them 2 stay 3 ft. away.
do you know what an aphrodisiac is: Yes!!!
mellow: Cool, calm, collected
melancholy: Singing gayfully?! Could look smart, look it up at dictioanry.com.. but NAHHH
the perfect date: Opens the car door 4 me, blah blah blah.. better feed a bitch!
the perfect mate: Opposite from me!
how m&m's are made: Well, a candy princess had 2 take dumps too! :Gimme some of that Candy Ass"
why manhole covers are round: MAN HOLE.. Nuff said
one or the other
coke/pepsi: Mr Pibb Nig
sprite/7-up: Sprite's for a sick bitch.. i ain't sick,, lol
boxers/briefs: WOWZERS!!! I don't care! Pubes are pubes.
gold/silver: Gold rings!
vanilla/chocolate: I like choc. but not subliminally!
flowers/candy: Don't give me either, come on that means u tried, but not too hard. Give a chick a Sweater o summin, something i can use and won't die on me!
book/magazine: Both r gr8 ways 2 enlarge ur brain!
tv/radio: Both have their reasons 4 being awesome.
glass half empty/half full: Half full,, i am optimisitc bitches!
democrat/republican: I beleive in equality 4 all people.. DEMO DUH!
colored pencils/markers: who gives a fuck i can draw
coffee/tea: coffee - tea gives me the runs.. lol
sun/moon: both r wicked awesome
day/night: Ditto
hot/cold: HOT HOT HOT
dog/cat: Puggers is so cute,, but i LOVE my Ashcen!
button/zipper: Zip Zip
cotton/feather pillow: Cotton,, feathers go flat!
blue/purple: Uhh.. Blue
plumber/trashman: Plumber!
jeans/shorts: Short shorts!!!
long distance relationship/none: NONE fuck that
mechanical/regular pencil: MEch..
matt/ben: Matt damon or Ben Affleck?! Uhhh.. MABE
that 70's show/simpsons: Simp.
kelso/eric: Kelso
donna/jackie: Donna
bart/lisa: EITHER OR!
romeo/juliet: Fuck em'
romantic comedy/thriller: thriller
nsync/bsb: Fuck em'
peanut butter/jelly: CRUNCH Peanut Butter~
waffles/pancakes: LOVE EM!
letter/email: Formal/informal.. be real,, don't beat around the bush dude!
florida/california: CA= expensice FL= Cost efficient..
pizza/burgers: BOTH ARE GREAT!!!! Burgers w/bacon.. WOWZERS!
hat/visor: Last time i wore a visor, i joked on myself.
football/rugby: Boys with tight pants, are boys with tight pants.
iceskating/blading: whhhhhhhhaaaa?
movie at home/in theater: Theaters are expensive.. soo with that said.. if YOU pay 4 it. it doesn't matter Heh
first thing you think of when you hear
yellow: Submarine
red lipstick: Cover girl
socks: and nothing else is sexy
cowtipping: Hilly Billy's R US
moulin rouge: Christina.. Lil Kim
greenland: Green pills green grass
iceland: Shitty scar
harry potter: Wow i read the 1st 3 pages and never saw a movie, and i am content as shit.
red: Plus blue equates into.. Purple
blackberry: Sour apple!
rose: Thorns,, yellow.. pink...
taxes: Tax rebate
bill clinton: Monica
whipped cream: Naughty Thoughts
george w. bush: Is illiterate
lollipops: Would you like a BLow..................POP
dreams: Love em'!
love: Love is real... Real is love..
guys: Dumbos.. but not ALL.. just like 99999.9999
south park: Goin down to south park gonna have myself a
boy bands: dumb
pengiuns: OMGSH!!! Love em;!
girls: wish i liked more... or vice versa
thong: Gotta know how 2 tweak it, deary.
death: Day i was born i was given a death sentence.
spoons: SPooning
junk mail: Can be fun if bored
dairy: MOOOOO
panties: Silky!!!
your father: Mi Faja es AWESOME
pizza: Pineapple and pepperoni!
britney spears: Can u say... BALD?
vitamin: Chewables!

My Interests

Psychology, forensics, anything relating to crime scene investigation and criminology in general, blah blah blah... In my spare time you'll catch me at the park or runnin' in the neighborhood, cleaning up my forever pathetically trashed room, or, more so here recently, reading a book! Hitting up a flea market or two is pretty awesome too... "Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction. " Brian Tracy"Young people tell what they are doing, old people what they have done and fools what they wish to do.""We achieve everything by our efforts alone. Our fate is not decided by an almighty God. We decide our own fate by our actions. You have to gain mastery over yourself. . . . It is not a matter of sitting back and accepting." Daw Aung San Suu KyiI have loved to the point of madness, That which is called madness, That which to me, Is the only sensible way to love.F. Sagan It is best to love wisely, no doubt; but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.~William Thackeray

I'd like to meet:

If Albert Fish were still alive, I'd enjoy meeting him,of course not on the street; I'd be visiting him in prison. Questioning Albert about whether or not his cannibalistic activities were due to his first taste of flesh in China wuld be exciting! I wonder if eating a human is like smoking a cig, you know it is not a good idea, but eventually you can become psychologically and physically addicted! Honest Fun Exciting , people who CAN handle silence, these are gr8 qualities few posses.


There was 1 Guitar! That Deaf Dumb & Blind kid Sure plays a MEAD Pinball! Sublime, Classic "Old School" Rock,Blood Hound Gang,Tool...Pink Floyd..Steve Miller Band..ZZ top, Elton, if it is on 107.7 or 95.7 ill listen 2 it. Elvis or even Barry White . I sincerely do not enjoy MOST country. "I like coffee and I like tea..." lol, that is about as much country as I like. ABC Anything but COuntry


ALL time Favs.- Green Mile & Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.... More recently-Crank & Let's go to Prison 300 the Simpson's movie. Comedies and horror are the genres i prefer.


RARELY like a Muck do i watch t.v by myself, but for some reason when my friends come over,, I guess that's the only thing to do... well.. at any rate,, Mad T.V, Twilight Zone, South Park , Futurama,, Robot motherclukin Chicken!


School deligates the reading i encounter & therefor read.


♥ ♥ Daddy Duke, Mi Madre, G-ma King -- Good peeps! Anyone who is a REAL person ALL the time and does not say shit, but does it, sounds admirable and as if they could be my hero. Persons who have been addicted to a substance and were able to quit (Cigs.) are very much so my hero. It takes a lotta "OOMPH" to step up to bat, and be a man. So basically someone with some BAWLS, and believe me, I got em'! ♥ ♥