I find that I like a hell of a lot more than I don't like! Fitness, performing, practicing, producing/creating/composing music; my viola; writing; dancing; going to concerts, art exhibits, lectures, musems, theater performances, running up mountains, trail running; yoga; lifting weights; rock climbing; reading; taking long baths; listening to music; singing; shopping; anything modern be it architecture to fashion; learning new languages; traveling the world; being photographed; being on camera; meeting intelligent and successful people who never fail to inspire me; beautiful people; lots of good champange; hot girls; diamonds; fur coats; technological innovations; fresh flowers; acting; painting; drawing; driving fast; taking risks; current events; swank hotels; nice restaurants; camping; astrology; astronomy; healthy foods; being the center of attention; a good competition; living alone; being alone; consuming mass quantities of food (it is really disgutsting how much I eat); people who have mastered a specific skill, esp. a creative skill; buying people gifts; receiving gifts; learning new subjects; spiritual endeavors; surrounding myself with people who exhibit a strong work ethic, who keep their head up through times of adversity, who are supportive, and who always do their best; I LOVE people who are wild at heart! I myself am a very wild child who absolutly loves to get crazy and party hard, but I'm a strong believer that balance and control are key to mainting a pleasurable, successful, and healthy lifestyle.
Brilliance, intelligence, creativity, and good humor turn me on most. People who support my goal of becomiing a leading fitness guru - wherein I host numerous television shows, train hundreds of high profile clients, weight train, practice yoga, boxing, etc. - all while jet setting around the world! PEOPLE WHO ARE DRIVEN AS HELL, WORK HARD, WHO ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY DO, AND WHO SUPPORT THE DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS OF THOSE AROUND THEM!!! Also, if there is any one out there who cares about helping humanity and/or the environment - IT IS TIME I INUNDATE MY LIFE WITH SUCH IMPORTANT ISSUES, get involved, and help out with what really matters. More often then not, I find myself so wrapped up with self-serving American prospects (a lifestyle which I admit am tremendously guilty of embracing in extreme quantities). I wish to meet people whose concerns drill a little deeper then our society encourages. Regard it as my cry for help. This part of my life is totally lacking in this capacity and I wish to balance my character by rushing to the aid of mankind and the environment in which we so heavily depend upon. . . Oh. . .and I strongly believe in true love, but right now my main focus is to strengthen my inner spirituality and accentuate my overall passion for life. Up until over a year ago, I had not been single for over a decade. It was hard at first, but now MY GREATEST LOVE IS MY FREEDOM. . .I now realize that all the love and compassion I have for anyone or anything is generated by the status of my mental, physical, and spiritual health. If you think about it, such personal matters of honor are tough as hell to balance on your own. Adding or holding onto a second party for the wrong reasons (i.e. out of fear, sheer angst, or loneliness) will often cause you to loose sight of what really drives you and illuminates your soul. You are your own instrument - dedicate hours of practice by yourself first, then perform and share with your loved ones (and the world) the skills you have mastered. Afterall, the best gift to yourself and to others is inspiration!!!
I can find something I like and don't like about any and all music.
I am currently reading Ann Rand's "The Fountainhead". I love her libertarian point of views as portrayed by her characters. Her words and descriptions are brilliant to say the least. I find myself gasping out loud with amazment every few pages.
* My Mother and Father * Tait Fletcher *Princess Diana * Oprah * Hilary Clinton * Madonna * George Boedecker * Jillian Michaels * Jackie Warner * Kiana Tom * Angelina Jolie * *Martha Fucking Stewart * Martha Mooke * Lillian Fuchs * Hilary Hahn * Beethoven * Bach * Mozart * Wagner * Tons and tons of great composers and artists from 16th century to present * Bill Gates * Paul Taylor * Martha Grahm * Baryshnikov * Phillip Seymour Hoffman * Meryl Streep * Andre de los Santos